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July 3, 2018

The Liberal Stampede to 'Abolish ICE' By Patrick J. Buchanan

"No Borders! No Nations! No Deportations!" "Abolish ICE!"

Before last week, these were the mindless slogans of an infantile left, seen on signs at rallies to abolish ICE, the agency that arrests and deports criminal aliens who have no right to be in our country.

July 2, 2018

41% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Forty-one percent (41%) of Likely U.S. Voters now think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey for the week ending June 28.

July 2, 2018

More Voters Now Want Merit-Based Immigration, Not Family-Based

This weekend, Americans nationwide protested against the separation of immigrant families at the U.S.-Mexico border.

July 2, 2018

Republicans See Successful Presidency for Trump

For Republicans, Donald Trump’s presidency will go down in the record books as a successful one. But for Democrats, Trump's time in the White House won't be praised.

June 30, 2018

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending June 30, 2018

Democrats are still trying to come to grips with the fact that Donald Trump won the 2016 election, and his second nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court is likely to send them further out into orbit.

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June 30, 2018

The Blame is Bipartisan By Ted Rall

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat its mistakes, blah blah blah, someone said -- Americans don't even pay attention to the news, so how the heck are they supposed to remember it after it becomes history?

June 29, 2018

U.S. Supreme Court Earns Highest Approval in Years

The U.S. Supreme Court closed its current term this week with its highest favorability ratings in several years.

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June 29, 2018

No Party for Old White Men By Patrick J. Buchanan

For Nancy Pelosi, 78, Steny Hoyer, 79, and Joe Biden, 75, the primary results from New York's 14th congressional district are a fire bell in the night.

June 29, 2018

Voters Think It’s Easier for Illegals to Get In, Stay In Compared to Other Countries

Despite President Trump’s efforts to toughen border enforcement, voters still think it’s easier for illegal immigrants to get into the United States and stay here than in much of the rest of the world.

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June 29, 2018

Justice Kennedy's First Priority: The First Amendment By Michael Barone

It became official just after lunchtime on Wednesday, just after the Supreme Court announced its final decisions of the term and went into recess. Justice Anthony Kennedy, the 104th person to serve on the court, is retiring, effective just after his 82nd birthday next month, after 30 years of service.

June 28, 2018

Most Want Tightly Controlled Borders

Voters have stronger faith in the government’s efforts to tighten border security these days than they did in the past, but  they still believe more can be done - especially Republicans.

June 28, 2018

Voters Are Still Angry at the Feds, Media

Tempers are running hot across the political aisle these days, and while voters are as angry at the government as ever, they’re less angry with the media these days.

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June 28, 2018

The Uncertain Political Ramifications of Justice Kennedy’s Exit By Larry J. Sabato, Kyle Kondik, and Geoffrey Skelley

An already turbulent national political environment was rocked by another major development Wednesday afternoon: Justice Anthony Kennedy, the closest thing there is to a swing vote on the Supreme Court, decided to retire. President Donald Trump, who already got to appoint conservative Neil Gorsuch to the court after Senate Republicans decided not to consider then-President Barack Obama’s replacement for the deceased Antonin Scalia in early 2016, is now poised to pick a second justice, and one who likely will push the court further to the right. This comes on the heels of several key, 5-4 decisions released at the end of this year’s Supreme Court term that broke against the court’s liberal bloc.

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June 27, 2018

37% Are Tuning In to This Year’s World Cup

The World Cup may be under way in Russia, but U.S. interest in soccer remains a mixed bag, with younger Americans more likely to watch than older Americans, and an overall decline in recognition of the event.

June 27, 2018

31% Think U.S. Civil War Likely Soon

Most voters fear that political violence is coming from opponents of the president’s policies, just as they did in the second year of Barack Obama’s presidency, and nearly one-in-three think a civil war is next.

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June 27, 2018

'Abolish ICE' Zealots Occupy Fantasy Island By Michelle Malkin

"No ban. No wall. No borders at all."

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June 27, 2018

Shut Up, They Explain By John Stossel

I'm not surprised that mobs shriek at Trump administration officials in restaurants and that Maxine Waters wants more of that. I've watched this happen at American colleges.

June 27, 2018

Democrats Lead Republicans on Generic Ballot

Democrats maintain a slight lead on this week’s Rasmussen Reports Generic Congressional Ballot.

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June 26, 2018

51% Say Trump to Blame for Bad Relationship with Press

Half of voters point the finger at President Trump for his troubled relationship with the press, but a sizable number don’t think it’s possible for the president to get a fair shake from the media no matter what he does.

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June 26, 2018

A Fascist Right -- or a Hysterical Left? By Patrick J. Buchanan

If Trump's supporters are truly "a basket of deplorables ... racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic" and "irredeemable," as Hillary Clinton described them to an LGBT crowd, is not shunning and shaming the proper way to deal with them?