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July 23, 2018

Most Democrats Side With Those Who Say Trump Is A Traitor

Democrats strongly defend those who think President Trump is a traitor. Other voters say they’re just playing politics with the claim.

July 23, 2018

Trump Seen As More Faithful to the U.S. Constitution Than Obama

Voters still have a strong attachment to the U.S. Constitution and think President Trump has been more faithful to it than his predecessor in the White House.

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July 21, 2018

The Outlook For Democrats In 2020 By Ted Rall

First: No. It's not too early to discuss the 2020 election. The Iowa caucuses are only a year and a half away. Any presidential hopeful who hasn't begun chatting up donors by now will find it nearly impossible to mount a viable campaign.   

July 21, 2018

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending July 21, 2018

It wasn’t exactly the plot of the old James Bond thriller, “From Russia with Love,” Monday at the Helsinki summit between Presidents Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, but for the rest of the week on TV and in print, it seemed like it could have been.

July 20, 2018

Republicans See Trump As More Aggressive With Russia

President Trump caught flack even from members of his own party following his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, but most Republicans think Trump is more aggressive with Russia than his predecessors and a majority of all voters continue to agree with Trump that Russia is an asset.

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July 20, 2018

Time to Junk Racial Quotas in Higher Education By Michael Barone

"It's time for enlightened America to hit reset on affirmative action once and for all," writes Columbia University linguistics professor John McWhorter in The American Interest. By affirmative action, of course, he means the racial quotas and preferences that most selective college and university admissions departments employ.

July 20, 2018

Congress Isn't Earning Any Fans

As Congress prepares for its August recess, voters aren’t happy with the work they’ve been putting in.

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July 20, 2018

Trump Stands His Ground on Putin By Patrick J. Buchanan

"Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

July 19, 2018

Do U.S. Intelligence Agencies Have a Political Agenda?

Despite the media frenzy over President Trump’s comments about U.S. intelligence following his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier this week, voters still think U.S intelligence agencies are doing a good job. However, they don’t deny that these agencies may be serving a larger agenda.

July 19, 2018

How Did Trump Do With Putin? Party Makes A Difference - Again

Despite the media’s deep unhappiness over President Trump’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, most Republicans think he did just fine. Democrats and unaffiliated voters disagree.

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July 19, 2018

Three Republican Governors Face Increasingly Tough Election Contests By Geoffrey Skelley

Arizona and Iowa have few obvious things in common, but they do both have incumbent Republican governors seeking election in November. Another commonality is that the Crystal Ball now views both states’ gubernatorial contests as increasingly competitive, prompting ratings changes that move the Arizona race from Likely Republican to Leans Republican and the Iowa race from Leans Republican to Toss-up. In addition to these two changes, we are also shifting Illinois’ gubernatorial contest from Leans Democratic to Likely Democratic, another downgrade for Republicans.

July 19, 2018

Voters Think Congress Puts Media Concerns Ahead of Voters

Voters don’t think Congress cares about them and is more interested in pleasing the media.

July 18, 2018

Voters Fear Government With Too Much Power

Voters still see an overpowered government as a bigger danger to the world than an underpowered one.

July 18, 2018

Rasmussen Reports Announces Citizen-Sponsored 2018 National Midterm Elections Polling Project

ASBURY PARK, NJ - No independent major daily national polling firm has ever offered ordinary Americans the chance to directly support their national election year surveying so far as we know. That changes this year.

studioflara / Shutterstock.com
July 18, 2018

Trump's Alleged Ties to Russia, Illegal Immigration Top Concerns for Voters

As President Trump sat down with Russian President Vladimir Putin, voters continued to express concerns about his administration’s Russia connection, but worries about illegal immigration have climbed to near the top of the list of voter concerns as well.

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July 18, 2018

Boston University's Fake-O-Nomics Darling By Michelle Malkin

It costs a pretty penny to earn a diploma in stupid.

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July 18, 2018

Banning Straws By John Stossel

Want to sip a refreshing beverage this summer?

If environmental zealots and sycophants get their way, you won't be allowed to sip it through a plastic straw.

July 18, 2018

Democrats Hold Slightly Smaller Lead on Generic Ballot

Democrats have narrowed their lead over Republicans again on the latest Rasmussen Reports Generic Congressional Ballot.

July 17, 2018

Few Favor Banning Neckties

A mayor in southern California is moving to ban neckties from workplace dress codes, citing studies that suggest the neckwear restricts blood flow to the brain. But Americans aren’t ready to say goodbye to the formalwear just yet and few think it’s the government’s place to make that decision.

July 17, 2018

73% of Democrats Want ‘A Fresh Face’ As 2020 Nominee

Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden are among those touted as serious Democratic presidential contenders in 2020, but three-out-of-four Democrats think their party needs to turn to someone new.