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August 20, 2018

Continuing Protests Likely to Hit NFL Hard

Nearly one-in-four regular watchers of the National Football League say the threat of continuing on-the-field protests may make them turn off pro football this year.

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August 18, 2018

Is Trump a Brand-New Weird Existential Threat to the Republic? By Ted Rall

This past week, more than 300 American newspapers colluded -- if the word fits -- to simultaneously publish editorials declaring themselves, contra Trump, not "the enemy of the people." Shortly thereafter, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed a resolution declaring that it, too, did not consider the press to be, in a phrase that evokes the rhetoric of the former Soviet Union, state enemies.   

August 18, 2018

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending August 18, 2018

The Declaration of Independence says that governments derive their authority from the consent of the governed, but few voters think the American government today has the consent of its governed.

August 17, 2018

Republicans More Likely To Vote Party Line Than Democrats

Republicans have more allegiance to their political party than Democrats.

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August 17, 2018

Has Trump Delivered on His Economic Promises? By Michael Barone

Is President Trump fulfilling candidate Trump's promises?    

August 17, 2018

46% See Benefit of A Competitive Third Party

As the nation gears up for midterm elections, half of voters say they’ve voted independent and think the nation would benefit from a strong third party.

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August 17, 2018

Can America Ever Come Together Again? By Patrick J. Buchanan

If ex-CIA Director John Brennan did to Andrew Jackson what he did to Donald Trump, he would have lost a lot more than his security clearance.

He would have been challenged to a duel and shot.

August 16, 2018

Most Say E-Cigarettes No Healthier Than Traditional Ones

A new study out this week determined that smoking electronic cigarettes, or “vaping,” may be more harmful than originally thought, something Americans have worried about for years.

August 16, 2018

Voters Don’t Like ‘Antifa’ Protesters, Say They’re Looking for Trouble

Voters are even more critical of the so-called “antifa” protesters who surfaced again this past weekend in Charlottesville and Washington, DC and continue to think they’re chiefly interested in causing trouble.

August 16, 2018

Parents See Higher Back-to-School Costs This Year

It’s back-to-school time again, and parents are expecting to open their wallets wider this year to prepare.

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August 16, 2018

The Governors: Ratings Changes Abound By Kyle Kondik

Now that 40 of the 50 states have held primaries so far, including major primaries in Minnesota and Wisconsin on Tuesday night, we thought this was a good time to take stock of, and to reassess, the gubernatorial landscape.

August 15, 2018

Five Years Later, Many Say Snowden is Neither Hero Nor Traitor

It’s been five years since Edward Snowden exposed the federal government’s surveillance of millions of innocent Americans in the name of national security, and voters still think he falls somewhere in between the lines of hero and traitor, though they still want him tried for treason.

August 15, 2018

Republicans More Likely to See a ‘Party of the People’ These Days

Voters—and Republicans specifically—have more faith these days that someone in Washington represents them.

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August 15, 2018

Social Security Fails By John Stossel

Social Security is running out of money.    

August 15, 2018

Democratic Lead Grows on Generic Congressional Ballot

Democrats continue to lead Republicans on the latest Rasmussen Reports Generic Congressional Ballot, but after two weeks of a tightening race, Democrats have expanded their lead.

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August 15, 2018

The Theory of Political Relative Relativity By Michelle Malkin

It's quite simple: Some political relatives are more equal than others.

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August 14, 2018

An Easy Way to Lower the Trade Deficit By Stephen Moore

From the first day Donald Trump started running for president, he has raged against America's large and persistent trade deficit. His tariff policies are designed to try to reduce these trade imbalances. It is the metric he uses to gage whether other nations are playing by the rules of our trade deals. As a pure economic accounting measure, the U.S. GDP goes down when we import and goes up when we export.

August 14, 2018

Half Think Humans are Responsible for Global Warming

California Governor Jerry Brown blamed the spreading California wildfires on climate change, something voters still consider a serious issue heading into the midterms. And they think humans are to blame.

August 14, 2018

Most GOP Voters Say ‘No’ to Mueller Interview of Trump

Democrats want President Trump to sit down with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigative team for an interview; Republicans don’t. But both sides agree that a Trump interview is unlikely to bring Mueller’s probe to a close.

August 14, 2018

Voters See More Wildfires But Differ On Why

Like President Trump and California Governor Jerry Brown, voters disagree on the cause of the wildfires raging in northern California, but most think this is a worse season for fires than usual.