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Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.com
August 29, 2019

92% of GOP Voters Say Trump Is Likely 2020 Nominee

A former Illinois congressman is now the second candidate to announce he is challenging President Trump for the Republican presidential nomination in 2020, but it’s overwhelmingly Trump all the way for GOP voters.

White letter R on blue background
August 29, 2019

Notes on the State of Politics By Kyle Kondik

The one big exception to the stability in the Democratic race; Trump’s high GOP approval defines the Republican primary; special developments in Georgia, Wisconsin.


— The Democratic primary race has been very stable, with the biggest exception being Elizabeth Warren’s rise to become one of the clear frontrunners.

— Donald Trump is attracting primary challengers, but his standing within the GOP remains strong.

— Sen. Johnny Isakson’s (R-GA) pending resignation expands the Senate playing field next year.

— Rep. Sean Duffy’s (R, WI-7) pending resignation sets up another House special election on Republican-leaning turf. The GOP remains favored to hold the district.

August 28, 2019

Most Say America Not Founded on Racism But See It As Serious Problem

Most Americans agree that racism is a problem in this country but reject the idea that America has been racist from the very start. They also tend to think we talk too much about racism these days.

August 28, 2019

61% Welcome Public Scrutiny of Big League Reporters

The New York Times and others are complaining that allies of President Trump are targeting hostile reporters by exposing controversial social media postings from their past. But most voters consider these reporters fair game for public criticism.

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August 28, 2019

Get Off the Sidelines: #StandWithICE By Michelle Malkin

Dear fellow patriots: It's time to stop making nice with those who are waging war on ICE.

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August 28, 2019

Bad Law Keeps People Poor By John Stossel

Why does most of Africa stay poor while other parts of the world prosper?

People blame things like climate, the history of colonialism, racism, etc.

August 27, 2019

Good Economy, Yes, But No Thanks to Trump?

Voters give positive marks to the U.S. economy these days, but thanks to the usual partisan division on most all things Trump, they tend to think the president has little or nothing to do with it.

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August 27, 2019

Will Bibi's War Become America's War? By Patrick J. Buchanan

President Donald Trump, who canceled a missile strike on Iran, after the shoot-down of a U.S. Predator drone, to avoid killing Iranians, may not want a U.S. war with Iran. But the same cannot be said of Bibi Netanyahu.

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August 27, 2019

Democrats Rooting for Recession By Stephen Moore

Last week, I gave a talk to high-wealth investors in San Francisco -- not exactly an audience of left-wing activists -- and people kept asking me the question of the day: "Will there be a recession?" My reply: I'd never say never, but I don't see a recession in 2020. And if we get a trade deal with China, the economy is going to soar. 

August 26, 2019

41% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Forty-one percent (41%) of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey for the week ending August 22.

August 26, 2019

Bernie’s $16 Trillion ‘Green New Deal’ Is Close Call for Voters

Voters are almost evenly divided on a multi-trillion dollar Green New Deal plan to tackle climate change by Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders that would impact nearly all of the federal government.

August 25, 2019

Have Pollsters Learned Nothing Since the Last Election? By Brian C. Joondeph

While the moniker “fake news” is typically reserved for cable news and some of the more prominent newspapers in America, the term could also be applied to presidential polls. How many pollsters predicted Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 election by a landslide up to and including the day of the actual election?

August 24, 2019

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending August 24, 2019

In surveys last week, this is what America told Rasmussen Reports...

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August 24, 2019

As Long as Enemies of the State Keep Dying Before Trial, No One Should Trust the State By Ted Rall

There is no other way to say it: It was a political assassination.

Osama bin Laden was unarmed. SEALs captured him alive. Following brazenly illegal orders from Washington, they executed him. "The (Obama) administration had made clear to the military's clandestine Joint Special Operations Command that it wanted bin Laden dead," The Atlantic reported on May 4, 2011.

August 23, 2019

Most Say Warren Lied About Native American Past But Don’t Care

Voters think Democratic presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren has lied about her Native American heritage in the past, but most also say it’s not a critical issue when it comes to how they will vote.

August 23, 2019

Election 2020 – It’s the Crowds Stupid By Brian C. Joondeph

When Bill Clinton successfully unseated sitting President George HW Bush in 1992, Clinton’s campaign manager James Carville coined the phrase, “The economy, stupid” as a campaign theme.

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August 23, 2019

Greenland: Trump's MAGA Idea! By Patrick J. Buchanan

To those of us of who learned our U.S. history from texts in the 1940s and '50s, President Donald Trump's brainstorm of acquiring Greenland fits into a venerable tradition of American expansionism.

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August 23, 2019

The End of America's 30-Year Engagement With China? By Michel Barone

Will the demonstrations in Hong Kong come to be seen as the end of a 30-year period, beginning with the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, of the American-Chinese economic engagement and entanglement christened "Chimerica" by historian Niall Ferguson?

August 22, 2019

Americans Are Less Likely To Blame Games, Movies for Societal Violence

After the latest spate of mass shootings, Americans are less convinced than ever that violent video games and movies are to blame.

August 22, 2019

Voters Don’t Trust Political News, Say Most Reporters Want to Stop Trump

Distrust of political news reporting remains at a record high, with just over half of voters now convinced that most in the media are out to get President Trump.