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February 13, 2004

60%: U.S. Fair and Decent, 27% Disagree

Sixty percent (60%) of American voters believe that American society is generally fair and decent. A Rasmussen Reports survey found that just 27% take the opposite view and believe our nation is unfair and discriminatory.

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February 4, 2004

Hudson Employment Index Up 5.4

The Hudson Employment Index gained 5.4 points this month, signaling a more positive outlook on employment conditions.

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January 13, 2004

51% Say Let Workers Invest Social Security

Fifty-one percent (51%) of American favor a proposal that would allow workers to invest their Social Security payroll taxes in a personal retirement account. Thirty-one percent (31%) oppose the idea.

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January 12, 2004

48% Say Nation's Best Days in Future

Forty-eight percent (48%) of American voters believe that our nation's best days remain in the future.

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January 7, 2004

Hudson Data Suggests U.S. Workers will Jump Ship

Despite general satisfaction with their jobs, 60 percent of U.S. workers would seriously consider changing positions given the opportunity, according to survey data used to compile the premiere release of the Hudson Employment Index. Even among those individuals who are happy with their current job, a majority (52 percent) would consider moving on if offered a new position.

White letter R on blue background
December 26, 2003

What a Difference a Year Makes!

One year ago today, America's economic confidence was low and heading even lower. The Rasmussen Consumer Index kept falling in the week after Christmas until it reached the lowest level of 2002 on the very last day of that year. At 93.8, the economic confidence of American consumers had fallen more than 30 points in nine months.

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December 11, 2003

Gore News Boosts Dean in Polls

The latest Rasmussen Reports surveys show that former Vice-President Al Gore's endorsement has helped Howard Dean widen his lead over his Democratic challengers.

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September 11, 2003

38% Say US Changed for Better Since 9/11

On the second anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack, 38% of Americans say that the United States has changed for the better since that horrible day. Forty-seven percent (47%) say America has changed for the worse.

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July 16, 2003

Just 46% Consider NY Times Reliable

Just 46% of Americans believe that information reported in the New York Times is "very reliable" or "somewhat reliable." Twenty-three percent (23%) say information in the Times is "not very reliable" or "not at all reliable."

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July 14, 2003

Democrats Have Edge in Race for Congress

If the race for Congress were held today, 42% of Americans say they would vote for a Democratic candidate while 38% would vote for a Republican.