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June 30, 2006

New Mexico Governor: Richardson with 20+ Lead

Republicans have installed a new contender in the race for Governor here. Whether former state Republican Party chairman John Dendahl can fare better than ousted standard-bearer J.R. Damron, who had been uncontested in his nomination bid, remains to be seen.

June 30, 2006

New Mexico Senate: Democratic Incumbent Looks Safe

Democratic incumbent, U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman, is gliding to reelection, currently leading GOP nominee Allen McCullough 59% to 33%.

June 30, 2006

Minnesota Governor: Pawlenty in Pitched Battle

Republican Governor Tim Pawlenty continues to trail DFL Attorney General Mike Hatch.

June 30, 2006

Minnesota Senate: Toss-up, Still

With only 7% of voters undecided, DFL county attorney Amy Klobuchar continues to hold a narrow edge over Republican Representative Mark Kennedy in the race to succeed Senator Mark Dayton (D), who is retiring after a single term.

June 29, 2006

Florida Governor: Crist (R) Lead Widens

Republican Attorney General Charlie Crist has opened a double digit lead in the race to succeed Governor Jeb Bush, leading Democratic Congressman Jim Davis 49% to 35% in our latest survey.

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June 29, 2006

Pennsylvania Governor: Rendell by 14

In the race for the governor's mansion in Pennsylvania, Democratic Governor Ed Rendell now leads Republican Lynn Swann 50% to 36%.

June 29, 2006

Congressional Ballot: Dems 47%, GOP 34%

A Rasmussen Reports national opinion survey of 1,000 Likely Voters found that 47% would vote for the Democrat in their district if the election were held today.

June 28, 2006

Most Americans More Concerned With Terrorism Than North Korean Missiles

A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of 1,000 adults found that 71% of Americans consider terrorism the bigger threat.

June 28, 2006

Most Americans Wild for Walmart

A Rasmussen Reports survey conducted on June 28, 2006 found that 69% of Americans have a favorable opinion of Walmart, including 29% who have a very favorable opinion of the retail giant.

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June 28, 2006

Hillary Meter

Our latest Hillary Meter survey finds that only thirty-one percent (31%) of Americans would definitely vote for Senator Hillary Clinton if she were the democratic nominee for President.

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June 28, 2006

New Mexico Governor and Senate: Democratic Incumbents Look Safe

Republicans have installed a new contender in the race for Governor here. Whether former state Republican Party chairman John Dendahl can fare better than ousted standard-bearer J.R. Damron, who had been uncontested in his nomination bid, remains to be seen. But Dendahl is regarded by insiders as the more formidable candidate.

June 27, 2006

Americans Concerned About Inflation

Thirty-six percent (36%) of Americans are very worried about inflation over the next year or so.

June 27, 2006

Ohio Governor: Strickland By 13

Democratic Congressman Ted Strickland continues to lead Republican Secretary of State Ken Blackwell in Ohio's gubernatorial race.

June 27, 2006

NJ Senate: Menendez Leaps To Lead

Republican State Senator Tom Kean Jr., son of the popular former governor, is suddenly trailing Democratic Senator Robert Menendez, an appointee who has held the post for only half a year.

June 27, 2006

Ohio Senate: DeWine Enjoys Slight Lead Over Brown

In the Ohio race for U.S. Senate, Republican Senator Mike DeWine again enjoys a moderate lead, 46% to 39%, over Democratic Congressman Sherrod Brown.

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June 27, 2006

Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce To Be First Regional Sponsor of Rasmussen Consumer Index

The Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce announced today that it will be the first regional sponsor of the Rasmussen Consumer Index, a consumer economic confidence measure. As a sponsor, the Chamber will be the region’s exclusive provider of a quarterly Chicagoland Consumer Index based on nightly polls of adults conducted by Rasmussen throughout the quarter.

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June 27, 2006

Rasmussen Reports Offers Local Consumer Index Surveys

Rasmussen Reports said today that it will offer sponsorship opportunities for state and local market editions of the Rasmussen Consumer Index™, the company’s national measure of economic confidence.

June 26, 2006

Pennsylvania Senate: Casey (D) 52% Santorum (R) 37%

The reelection campaign of Republican Senator Rick Santorum has been a rocky road so far, and the latest Rasmussen Reports election poll of the Pennsylvania race for U.S. Senate offers only minor comfort at best.

June 23, 2006

World Cup Scores Only Small Audience

Despite a high level of media coverage for the World Cup soccer tournament, three-fourths of Americans (78%) are not following the action very closely if at all.

June 23, 2006

South Carolina Governor: Sanford (R) 51%, Moore (D) 39%

Republican Governor Mark Sanford now leads State Senator Tommy Moore 51% to 39%.