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March 21, 2008

The Declining Economy and Election 2008

The economy has emerged as the top voting issue for Election 2008 at a time when the nation’s consumer and investor confidence has fallen to the lowest level of the past seven years. A Rasmussen Reports video analysis looks at how rapidly economic confidence has deteriorated in the past several months.

March 21, 2008

Minnesota: McCain in Close Race with Both Obama and Clinton

In Minnesota, the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey shows Barack Obama leading John McCain 47% to 43%. The election poll also shows McCain essentially even with Hillary Clinton, leading her by a statistically insignificant 47% to 46%.

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March 21, 2008

Obama Speech Grades: 51% Good or Excellent, 26% Fair, 21% Poor

Eighty-four percent (84%) of America’s Likely Voters say they have seen or heard at least some portion of Barack Obama’s Tuesday morning speech on race and national unity.

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March 21, 2008

TMI By Susan Estrich

TMI stands for Too Much Information. That's how I feel about David Patterson and his sex life. I know more than I want to know, or need to know, about whom he's slept with and why, and when, and about whom his wife slept with, and who was getting even with whom, and when it stopped.

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March 21, 2008

78% Say Other Investment Firms Likely to Suffer Bear Sterns Fate

Just 11% of Americans are very confident about the financial stability of the nation’s banking system. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that another 43% are somewhat confident.

March 21, 2008

New Hampshire: Shaheen 49% Sununu 41%

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of New Hampshire voters found no change in the race for the United States Senate over the past month. Once again, Democratic challenger Jeanne Shaheen leads Republican incumbent John Sununu 49% to 41%. In September, Shaheen led 48% to 43%.

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March 20, 2008

Iraq: Five Years Later

Yesterday marked the fifth anniversary of the War in Iraq. A Rasmussen Reports video analysis looks at what the candidates had to say and provides context with the latest polling data.

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March 20, 2008

West Virginia: Clinton 55% Obama 27%

Looking down the road to May 13, Senator Hillary Clinton holds a huge lead over Senator Barack Obama in the West Virginia Presidential Primary.

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March 20, 2008

The Impact of Pastor Wright and THE SPEECH on Election 2008

Two days after Barack Obama gave the most important speech of his life, it remains unclear what impact the controversy over Pastor Jeremiah Wright will have on the race for the Democratic Presidential Nomination.

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March 20, 2008

The Folks Who Brought You Iraq By Joe Conason

"Well, that's history. That's the past. That's talking about what happened before. What we should be talking about is what we're going to do now."

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March 20, 2008

Was Bear Stearns the Sacrificial Lamb? By Larry Kudlow

Did Bear Stearns really need to go down in flames? It's a question that needs to be asked, and my answer is no.

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March 20, 2008

Massachusetts: Clinton Leads McCain by 19, Obama Leads by 7

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in Massachusetts shows Hillary Clinton leading John McCain 54% to 39%. However, if Barack Obama is the Democratic nominee, the race is more competitive—Obama 49% McCain 42%.

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March 20, 2008

The Crapshoot of Presidential Politics By Larry Sabato

This week's detour into the murk of racial politics underlines that it's going to be a long, hard slog on the Democratic side.

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March 20, 2008

Divides Obama Doesn't Bridge By Froma Harrop

In distancing himself from the heated remarks of his pastor, Barack Obama did as well as anyone could do in his position. The problem is his position, which is having sat in the reverend's pews for 20 years without thinking to pick up and leave.

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March 20, 2008

Finance's "New Day" By Robert Novak

The Federal Reserve's unprecedented bailout of Bear Stearns was crafted not at the White House or Treasury, but in secret by a New York central banker whose name is unknown to Washington power brokers and was a Clinton administration presidential appointee.

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March 19, 2008

28% Say Spring is Favorite Time of Year

As spring is officially set to begin this week, 28% say the upcoming season is their favorite time of year. That’s similar to the 33% who label summer as their favorite season and identical to the 28% who name the fall as their best months.

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March 19, 2008

Colorado: McCain, Obama Tied

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in Colorado shows McCain tied with Barack Obama at 46% while enjoying a 52% to 38% advantage over Hillary Clinton. Compared to polling from a month ago, McCain has gained ground on Obama while retaining a consistent lead over Clinton.

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March 19, 2008

New Hampshire: McCain 46% Obama 43%

Since wrapping up the Republican nomination, John McCain’s general election prospects have improved against Barack Obama in New Hampshire.

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March 19, 2008

Pastor Wright: This Too Shall Pass by Dick Morris

Will the Gospel According to Jeremiah Wright sink the Obama candidacy? Not very likely.

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March 19, 2008

The Speech: by Susan Estrich

It was an eloquent and powerful speech. But Barack Obama's inspirational oratory left one fundamental question unanswered, at least for this white American -- although judging by the reactions I've been hearing on local radio, for many others, as well.