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August 2, 2008

August Is the Time to Take Obama Down By Dick Morris

When is the McCain campaign going to get serious? It seems to be marking time with softball ads, more appropriate to the soundbites campaign media spokespeople exchange with one another than to strategic paid media hits.

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August 1, 2008

Attack, He Said: A Commentary By Susan Estrich

What does Barack Obama have to do with Britney Spears and Paris Hilton? Absolutely nothing, as far as I can tell. A mentally unstable party girl and an heiress/party girl? Did I miss the part where Obama's father was a hotel magnate, where he couldn't be trusted to take care of his children, where he literally partied till he dropped?

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July 31, 2008

McCain Talks Straight on Fan-Fred Reform By Lawrence Kudlow

There will be no more business as usual for housing lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac if John McCain is elected president. That's McCain's clear message in a recent hard-hitting op-ed in the St. Petersburg Times and in various straight-talk media interviews.

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July 31, 2008

McCain's Oil Drilling Hoax By Joe Conason

Forced to cancel a planned visit to an oil platform off the Mississippi coast last week because of inclement weather -- and the untimely leaking of hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil by a shipwreck in the vicinity -- John McCain finally got his photo op at a Bakersfield derrick on July 28. Speaking on site, the Arizona senator delivered extraordinarily good news to the beleaguered gasoline-consuming public as he explained why we must drill offshore.

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July 31, 2008

Could a VP Romney Be Health-Care Tsar? By Froma Harrop

We who obsess over universal health coverage may soon confront a startling development: The only candidate on a major-party presidential ticket to have proposed and implemented a universal plan could well be a Republican. I speak of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, now high on the list of John McCain's possible running mates.

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July 31, 2008

Alaska Senate Update By Larry Sabato

It looks like a clean sweep for Alaska in the Senate and House. Both of the Republican incumbents, Sen. Ted Stevens, in office since 1968, and Rep. Don Young, who has held his seat since 1973, appear to be going down to defeat.

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July 31, 2008

30% of Conservative Democrats Say They’ll Vote for McCain

Thirty percent (30%) of conservative Democrats say they’re voting for John McCain. Rasmussen Reports data also shows the Republican hopeful picking up support from 19% of White Democrats and 15% of Democrats over the age of 50.

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July 30, 2008

More Voters than Ever Say They Would Vote for Black Candidate, Still Not Sure About Friends

Since Barack Obama has sealed the Democratic nomination, more voters say they are willing to vote for an African-American presidential candidate than ever before.

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July 30, 2008

Obama Trip: No Gain for the Democrat, No Pain for McCain

Voters view Barack Obama’s highly publicized trip to Europe and the Middle East last week as a complete wash from a political standpoint, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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July 30, 2008

In White House Race, Twice As Many Voters Uncommitted Compared to Four Years Ago

When given a choice between Barack Obama and John McCain for President, 14% of voters are uncommitted. That figure includes 6% who say they’d vote for some other candidate and 8% who are undecided.

July 29, 2008

Half of Voters Still Say U.S. is Winning the War on Terror

Americans continue to show confidence that the United States and its allies are winning the War on Terror. The newest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 50% of voters believe the U.S. is winning, while just 21% say the terrorists are ahead.

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July 29, 2008

50% Oppose Tax Increases, Favor Pro-Growth Policy Over One That Guarantees Tax Fairness

With taxes front and center this week in the U.S. presidential campaign, 50% of Americans still see tax increases as bad for the economy and an identical percentage favor a tax policy focused on economic growth rather than fairness.

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July 29, 2008

Democrats Have Thirteen Point Advantage on Generic Ballot

The Democrats have moved further ahead of the GOP in newest edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that, if given the choice, 47% of voters would choose their district’s Democratic candidate, while 34% would choose the Republican candidate.

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July 29, 2008

Rasmussen Markets Update: Kaine Now Favorite to Become Obama’s Running Mate

Fueled by a Drudge Report headline and heavy buzz inside the beltway, Rasmussen Markets data shows a surge in expectations that Tim Kaine will become Barack Obama’s running mate.

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July 29, 2008

Americans, Split on Which is More Important – Offshore Drilling or Crackdown on Speculators

Voters are nearly evenly divided on which is more important– cracking down on speculators or lifting the ban on offshore drilling -- as the debate comes to a head in Congress this week over how to fight rising gas and oil prices. As far as public opinion is concerned, the best answer would be to do both.

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July 29, 2008

Vice President Tim Kaine? By Larry Sabato

We have no earthly idea if Virginia Governor Tim Kaine is Obama's choice for Vice President. All we know is that distinguished reporters who claim to have good sources are calling and saying that Kaine is on the short-short list.

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July 29, 2008

Rasmussen Employment Index Suggests Labor Market a Little Less Bleak in July

Workers’ confidence in the labor markets stabilized in July after falling to a record low in June. The Rasmussen Employment Index moved up a point to 79.5 in July from 78.6 the month before.

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July 28, 2008

36% of Voters Say Racism Bigger Problem in U.S. than Sexism

CBS News’ beleaguered anchor Katie Couric says sexism is more common and more acceptable in society than racism, but voters do not agree.

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July 28, 2008

Edwards, Clinton are Top Favorites – and Top Unfavorites – For Obama Veep Slot

When it comes to whom voters like among Barack Obama’s possible running mates, it’s all about the also-rans. A new Rasmussen Reports national survey finds that 56% have at least a somewhat favorable opinion of former North Carolina Senator John Edwards, including 21% who view him Very favorably.

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July 28, 2008

Huckabee, Lieberman Have Highest Favorables among Possible McCain Veep Choices

John McCain’s camp signaled last week that the Republican might name a running mate to deflect some of the media glare from Barack Obama’s overseas trip, but ultimately no names were announced. Meanwhile, at least one of the key contenders for the job, Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, announced that he is not interested.