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March 13, 2009

43% Agree With Obama’s Call for National Curriculum and Grading Standards

Forty-three percent (43%) of Americans agree with President Obama’s proposal to require all schools nationwide to follow the same standards for curriculum and grading.

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March 13, 2009

Unfavorables Remain High For Congressional Leaders

Nearly two months into an historic session of Congress wrestling with one of the nation’s severest economic crises, voters have not changed their opinions of major congressional leaders from both parties.

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March 13, 2009

When Is a Plea Bargain Not a Plea Bargain? By Susan Estrich

Bernard Madoff pleaded guilty in federal district court in New York to all 11 counts against him, waiving his right to an indictment, avoiding the humiliation of a trial, and depriving his victims and the public of what might have been a public course in how Ponzi schemes work, and how even sophisticated investors can be played for dupes.

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March 13, 2009

Only 34% Believe U.S. Will Be Number One At End of the Century

America has a case of low self-esteem. And it’s not getting any better.

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March 13, 2009

From Frozen Minds, A 'Spending Freeze' By Joe Conason

If President Barack Obama's response to the economic crisis is imperfect, as he acknowledges, and if the Congressional Democrats leave much to be desired as well, then Americans can at least be thankful that the nation's fate has not been consigned to the frozen minds on the other side of the aisle.

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March 12, 2009

The Energy Tax Cut Mustard Seed By Lawrence Kudlow

Crumbling energy prices have created a profoundly positive tax cut effect for U.S. consumers across-the-board.

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March 12, 2009

Corzine Falls Further Behind in New Jersey Reelection Bid

New Jersey’s Democratic Governor Jon S. Corzine, who hopes to win a second term in November, has now fallen behind Republican challenger Christopher J. Christie by 15 points – 49% to 34%.

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March 12, 2009

61% Have Favorable View of First Lady Michelle Obama

Sixty-one percent (61%) of U.S. voters now have a favorable opinion of First Lady Michelle Obama, including 41% whose view of her is Very Favorable, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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March 12, 2009

41% Say U.S. Focus on Economy Raises Risk of Terrorist Attack

Forty-one percent (41%) of U.S. voters worry that America’s preoccupation with the ongoing economic crisis will make us more vulnerable to a terrorist attack, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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March 12, 2009

Statehouse Rock: Part One of Three By Larry J. Sabato

Every midterm year, the lion's share of the attention seems to go to the U.S. Senate and House contests at the national level, even though the governorships are arguably more important.

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March 12, 2009

Boxer Leads Schwarzenegger, Fiorina in 2010 Senate Race

Democratic incumbent Barbara Boxer leads two potential Republican challengers in an early look at California’s 2010 race for the U.S. Senate.

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March 12, 2009

Richard Allen Davis: Safe on Death Row By Debra J. Saunders

When a jury found Richard Allen Davis guilty of the murder of Petaluma's 12-year-old Polly Klaas in 1996, Davis puckered his lips and extended a middle finger to TV cameras.

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March 12, 2009

Voters Trust Democrats More to Handle Economy, GOP More on Taxes

After a month of major legislation by the White House and Congress to try to fix the struggling economy, more voters trust the Democratic Party to handle economic issues than they did a month ago.

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March 12, 2009

Obama Takes a Dive on Earmarks By Froma Harrop

President Obama has vowed to curb the number of earmarks, also known as pork, in future spending bills.

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March 11, 2009

Number Who Say U.S. Heading in the Right Direction Remains Steady This Week

One third (33%) of American voters now say the United States is heading in the right direction. That’s up six points since President Barack Obama was inaugurated and up twelve points since shortly after he was elected.

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March 11, 2009

Just 27% See Need for Another Stimulus Package

Just 27% of voters nationwide favor passage of a second economic stimulus package. The latest Rasmussen Reports nationwide telephone survey found that 55% are opposed and 19% are not sure.

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March 11, 2009

81% Say Neither Madoff Nor His Wife Should Keep Any Money

Bernard Madoff, the Wall Street financier who ran a $64.8 billion Ponzi scheme, is expected to plead guilty to 11 criminal counts on Thursday, but he hopes his wife Ruth will be able to keep at least $70 million to live on while he’s in jail.

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March 11, 2009

March 7 By Susan Estrich

It has a way of sneaking up on me, like the unhappy anniversary it is. Who knew?

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March 11, 2009

Americans Still See Economic Recovery As A Long-Term Process

Most Americans remain confident that the U.S. economy will be stronger in five years than it is today, but most also expect very little to change in the next 12 months.

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March 11, 2009

Obama Leverages His Political Risk in First 50 Days By Tony Blankley

Many of the media are following the convention of assessing President Barack Obama's first 100 days in office.