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April 5, 2009

Lost and Found on Fringes of First Family By Debra J. Saunders

When Barack Obama first met his Auntie Zeituni at an airport in Kenya in 1988, his late father's sister told him, "Welcome home," and kissed him on both cheeks. Obama was on a pilgrimage to the land where his African father lived apart from Obama's American mother.

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April 4, 2009

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending April 3, 2009

This president hasn’t had an easy week since he took office, and the past one was one of his toughest yet.

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April 4, 2009

46% Say UNC Will Take NCAA Tournament

The University of North Carolina Tar Heels are well ahead of the competition in the latest Rasmussen Reports Prediction Challenge, with 46% predicting the team will win this year’s NCAA Men’s Basketball tournament.

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April 4, 2009

Obama Abroad: In Some Ways, Much Like Bush By Michael Barone

Barack Obama's foreign policy is beginning to take shape. Semantically, it's a sharp repudiation of the policies of the George W. Bush administration. In reality, it's something like a continuation of Bush policies. Or, if you want to distinguish between the allegedly confrontation-minded policies of Bush's first term and the more accommodationist policies of his second term -- a distinction that I think is exaggerated but has something to it -- then it's something like the second Bush term. With, of course, some differences.

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April 3, 2009

44% See More Tension With Other Countries Because of Economic Crisis

Forty-four percent (44%) of Americans say the current global economic crisis is more likely to create tension between the United States and other nations rather than to encourage more cooperation.

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April 3, 2009

75% Oppose Release of Guantanamo Inmates in the United States

President Obama’s intelligence chief said last week that some inmates at the Guantanamo terrorist prison camp may be released in the United States, but just 13% of U.S. voters think that should be allowed.

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April 3, 2009


California may be the Golden State, but it has been a while since people have called it that without a trace of sarcasm. With its double digit unemployment rate, difficult to balance budget, and crumbling infrastructure, California these days is anything but golden.

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April 3, 2009

Police Work By Susan Estrich

Why is crime down in Los Angeles?

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April 2, 2009

44% Favor Government-Backed Auto Warranties

Forty-four percent (44%) of U.S. voters like the idea of a federal government guarantee of automobile warranties issued by companies that go out of business, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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April 2, 2009

54% Count On U.S. Business Leaders More Than World Leaders To Help U.S. Economy

So much for the hoopla and highly publicized activities of this week’s G-20 economic summit.

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April 2, 2009

Europe on the Cheap By Debra J. Saunders

American voters want -- and President Obama campaigned on a platform of -- European-style government at American tax rates.

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April 2, 2009

Congress Favorables Up, But So Is Perception That Most Members Are Corrupt

Twenty-one percent (21%) of U.S. voters now think Congress is doing a good or excellent job, its highest ratings in over a year, but nearly twice as many (41%) also think most members of Congress are corrupt.

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April 2, 2009

Centrist Dems: Dogged If They Do, Dogged If They Don't By Froma Harrop

There's trouble around the Democratic campfire. The party has the White House and solid congressional majorities. But what it doesn't have is everyone on the same page, strumming the same chords, singing the same tune.

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April 2, 2009

A 'Truly Breathtaking' Departure By Lawrence Kudlow

Team Obama fired GM CEO Rick Wagoner Sunday afternoon, just a short time after Treasury man Tim Geithner told the television talk shows that some banks will need large amounts of new TARP-money government assistance -- even though the bankers don't want it.

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April 2, 2009

61% Are Confident Online and Other Sources Can Replace Newspapers

This is the finding that struggling daily newspapers don’t want to hear: 61% of American adults are confident that online and other news sources will make up the difference and report things people want to know about if many newspapers go out of business.

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April 2, 2009

No More Refuge for Scoundrels By Joe Conason

While the leaders of the world's largest economies debate stimulus and regulation in London, let us hope they do not forget about crime and punishment.

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April 1, 2009

Number Who Say U.S. Heading in the Right Direction Hits Another Recent High

Voter confidence that the United States is heading in the right direction increased to the highest level in more than four years. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 36% of voters believe the nation is heading in the right direction.

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April 1, 2009

Number of Democrats in Nation Declines During March

In March, the number of Democrats in the nation fell two percentage points while the number of Republicans fell by half-a-point. Democrats continue to have a sizable advantage in terms of partisan identification, but the advantage is smaller than it’s been since December 2007.

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April 1, 2009

76% Say Economic Recovery Possible Even If GM Fails

Americans have come a long way from the days when what was good for General Motors was seen as good for the country.

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April 1, 2009

Obama’s Chilling Effect on Capitalism By Howard Rich

The tombstone for General Motors really should have read 1908-2008.