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April 15, 2009

Number Who Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction Rises Again

Thirty-six percent (36%) of U.S. voters believe the United States is heading in the right direction, showing no change from a week ago.

White letter R on blue background
April 15, 2009

On Economy: Short-Term Optimism Up, Long-Term Optimism Down

Over the past few months, short-term expectations for the economy have improved dramatically, but longer-term expectations have moved in the opposite direction.

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April 15, 2009

A Nuclear Talibanistan? By Tony Blankley

Our view of Pakistan's role in the war in Afghanistan has undergone an ominous but necessary series of shifts. At the outset of the war, in October 2001, Pakistan correctly was seen as a necessary ally -- both politically and geographically -- as it was the primary conduit for our entry and lines of communication into Afghanistan.

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April 15, 2009

46% Predict Desai Next To Go in 'American Idol'

Voting is officially closed for the latest Rasmussen Reports Prediction Challenge, and 45% of predictors think Anoop Desai will be the next contestant to be eliminated from Fox's "American Idol."

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April 15, 2009

72% Want More Military Action Against Pirates

Seventy-two percent (72%) of U.S. voters say the United States should take more military action to prevent further piracy against American and other ships off Africa’s east coast.

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April 15, 2009

Bailing Out The Taxpayers For A Change By Howard Rich

Sometimes it’s important to try and fathom the unfathomable. For example, why is “thirteen” considered an unlucky number? Why do pigs continue to fly in Washington D.C.

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April 15, 2009

The Second Time Around By Susan Estrich

"I can't say that I know her," the forewoman of Phil Spector's jury told the press after it was over, referring to Spector's victim, Lana Clarkson. Both Clarkson and Spector were on trial for the second time, after the first jury to consider murder charges against the music producer deadlocked 10-2 in favor of conviction.

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April 15, 2009

It’s April 15, And Americans Have a Lot to Say About Taxes

Today's the IRS' deadline, and 20% of Americans waited until the last week to file their taxes. That’s partly because nearly half of all Americans say preparing income tax forms is worse than going to the dentist.

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April 14, 2009

Predict Our Poll Results: Summer Gas Prices

From April 14-15, 2008, Rasmussen Reports will ask 1,000 adults how high gas prices will go this summer. We’d like you to predict what percentage of people think gas prices will be under $2.00 throughout the course of the summer.

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April 14, 2009

Predict Our Poll Results: Would You Be Willing to Spend More on a Hybrid Car In Order to Help the Environment?

From April 14-15, 2008, Rasmussen Reports will ask 1,000 adults if they would be willing to spend more for a hybrid car in order to help the environment. We’d like you to predict what percentage of people will say “yes”, they'd willing to spend more for a hybrid car to help the environment.

White letter R on blue background
April 14, 2009

Latest Generic Ballot Shows Republicans and Democrats in a Dead Heat

Support for Democratic Congressional candidates hit a new low this week, resulting in a tie between Republicans and Democrats in the latest edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot.

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April 14, 2009

Voters Are A Little Less Confident Obama Is Bringing The Troops Home

Voters seem to be a little less sure this month that President Obama will bring U.S. combat troops home from Iraq by the end of his first term as he has long promised.

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April 14, 2009

On Immigration, Large Gap Remains Between Mainstream America and Political Class

Sixty-six percent (66%) of likely voters nationwide say it is Very Important for the government to improve its enforcement of the borders and reduce illegal immigration. However, the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that just 32% of America’s Political Class agrees.

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April 14, 2009

85% Worry About Inflation, 34% Expect Interest Rates To Rise

Eighty-five percent (85%) of Americans say they are concerned about the possibility of inflation in the current economy, with 55% Very Concerned, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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April 14, 2009

Economic Anxiety: Like Rats in a Cage By Froma Harrop

One day last week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average shot up 246 points. On CNBC, Jim Cramer punched the Sousa March button. NPR's "Marketplace" boomed, "We're in the Money."

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April 14, 2009

Voters Don't Rank Immigration As A Priority Issue

Despite reports that President Obama plans to begin a push for immigration reform, voters rank it fifth out of five priorities he has proposed this year in the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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April 14, 2009

Some Get the Tea, Others Get the Bag By Debra J. Saunders

In December 1773, Bostonians held a Tea Party in Boston Harbor to protest excessive British taxes. "No taxation without representation" was their message.

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April 13, 2009

Republicans Close The Gap With Democrats on Several Key Issues

After a month of major legislation by the White House and Congress to try to fix the struggling economy, more voters trust the Democratic Party to handle economic issues than they did a month ago.

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April 13, 2009

48% Say They Will Owe Less Money In A Year Than They Do Now

Many Americans, it appears, expect to keep their financial house in order despite the troubled U.S. economy.

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April 13, 2009

36% Favor Lifting U.S. Embargo on Cuba, 35% Disagree

U.S. voters are evenly divided over whether the United States should lift its long-standing economic embargo of Cuba as President Obama prepares to meet with Latin American leaders this week in part to discuss U.S.-Cuban relations.