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White letter R on blue background
June 23, 2009

Democrats Break Tie on Latest Generic Ballot

Democratic congressional candidates have pulled ahead of Republicans again in the latest edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot.

White letter R on blue background
June 23, 2009

47% Oppose More Government Regulation of U.S. Financial System

Forty-seven percent (47%) of Americans oppose more government regulation of the U.S. financial system, while 33% disagree and say more regulation is a good idea, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

White letter R on blue background
June 23, 2009

81% Say Palestinians Must Recognize Israel’s Right To Exist As Part of Any Peace Agreement

Eighty-one percent (81%) of U.S. voters agree with Israeli President Benjamin Netanhyahu that Palestinian leaders must recognize Israel’s right to exist as part of a Middle Eastern peace agreement.

White letter R on blue background
June 23, 2009

Bad Times for Whistle-blowers By Debra J. Saunders

As recent AmeriCorps Inspector General Gerald Walpin tells the story, when a White House aide called him on June 10, Walpin thought the administration was calling him to enlist his support -- as a prominent Republican member of the New York bar -- for the confirmation of Sonya Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court. Instead, Special Counsel to the President Norm Eisen informed Walpin that President Obama wanted Walpin out of his job.

White letter R on blue background
June 23, 2009

Act Fast on Health Care, Obama By Froma Harrop

President Obama has a green light and open eight-lane highway for health-care reform. But somehow the guy can't put his foot on the gas.

White letter R on blue background
June 23, 2009

54% Oppose “Cash for Clunkers” Plan To Spur Purchase of Greener Cars

Congress now has sent its “Cash for Clunkers” bill to President Obama to sign into law, but most Americans oppose the plan to encourage people to trade in old cars for new, more fuel-efficient models.

White letter R on blue background
June 23, 2009

50% Say Hate Is Growing in America

Fifty percent (50%) of Americans believe hate is growing in America in the wake of the murders of a doctor who performed late-term abortions and a military recruiter and a shooting incident at the U.S. Holocaust Museum in which a guard was killed.

White letter R on blue background
June 22, 2009

Rasmussen Reports Daily Prediction Challenge: Internet Gambling

The daily Rasmussen Reports Prediction Challenge for Monday focuses on internet gambling.

White letter R on blue background
June 22, 2009

Georgia 2010 Democratic Primary: Barnes Big Leader in Governor’s Race

Former Governor Roy Barnes is far and away the leader in an early look at Georgia’s 2010 Democratic gubernatorial primary race.

White letter R on blue background
June 22, 2009

69% Value Volunteer Service Over Political Activity

Sixty-nine percent (69%) of U.S. voters say it is more important to do volunteer work for church and community organizations than it is to get involved in politics and political campaigns.

White letter R on blue background
June 22, 2009

2010 Georgia GOP Primary: Oxendine Far Ahead of Other Gubernatorial Hopefuls

John Oxendine, Georgia’s fire and insurance commissioner, holds a commanding lead over all other Republican gubernatorial hopefuls in an early look at next year’s state GOP Primary.

White letter R on blue background
June 22, 2009

39% Now Blame Bad Economy on Obama’s Policies

While most U.S. voters still blame the Bush Administration for the nation’s economic problems, a growing number are inclined to blame President Barack Obama.

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June 21, 2009

62% Plan To Visit Dad on Father’s Day

Sixty-two percent (62%) of American adults whose parents are still living say they will visit their fathers this Sunday for Father's Day. That's up five points from last year's Father's Day survey.

White letter R on blue background
June 21, 2009

Oil and Water Mix in Ecuador By Debra J. Saunders

"We certainly recognize that Chevron does not make a sympathetic victim here," company spokesman Kent Robertson told me over the telephone.

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June 20, 2009

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls: Week Ending June 19, 2009

Much of the action was overseas this past week, with Americans assessing their place in the world amidst global events beyond their control.

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June 19, 2009

Rasmussen Reports Daily Prediction Challenge: Volunteerism in the United States

The daily Rasmussen Reports Prediction Challenge for Friday focuses on volunteerism in the United States.

White letter R on blue background
June 19, 2009

Americans Evenly Divided Over Urgency of Health Care Reform

Forty-four percent (44%) of Americans say the Obama administration should wait on health care reform until the economy improves.

White letter R on blue background
June 19, 2009

69% in Michigan Say Government Should Sell Shares in GM, Chrysler ASAP

Most adults in Michigan (69%) say the government should sell its shares in General Motors and Chrysler as soon as possible.

White letter R on blue background
June 19, 2009

On Iran, 43% Say Obama’s Response About Right, 35% Say Not Aggressive Enough

President Obama’s response to this week’s protests in Iran has been muted to avoid giving the Iranians the idea that America is trying to “meddle” in their election. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that a plurality of voters (43%) think the president’s response has been about right.

White letter R on blue background
June 19, 2009

How To Become a Civil Libertarian By Debra J. Saunders

There are no legal grounds for prosecuting Bush administration lawyers who supported the use of enhanced interrogation techniques to thwart planned terrorist attacks, so civil libertarians have the tort system to try to ruin Bush lawyers.