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November 4, 2008

One-Third of Obama Voters Plan To Be Out Today

Looks like there’ll be a lot fewer Democrats in the office on Election Day.

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November 4, 2008

Election 2008: Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

The final Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Election 2008 shows Barack Obama with 52% of the vote while John McCain is six points back at 46%. One percent (1%) of voters say they’ll select a third-party option while 1% remain undecided.

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November 3, 2008

Electoral College: Obama 260 McCain 160

In the Electoral College projections, Rasmussen Reports now shows Obama leading 260 to 160. When states that are leaning in one way or the other are included, Obama leads 313 to 160. A total of 270 Electoral College votes are needed for victory.

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November 2, 2008

Beware of Exit Polls

Will they or won’t they – take a few minutes to take an exit poll, that is?

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November 1, 2008

New Rasmussen Reports Partisan Weighting Targets: 39.9% Democrat 33.4% Republican

Like all polling firms, Rasmussen Reports weights its data to reflect the population at large. Among other targets, Rasmussen Reports weights data by political party affiliation using a dynamic weighting process.

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November 1, 2008

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week of October 27, 2008

During the final full week of Election 2008, voters told us the same thing they’ve been saying since mid-September—Barack Obama has a modest but stable lead in the race for the White House.

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October 31, 2008

63% Say Obama More Likely to Restrict Gun Rights

Nearly two-thirds of U.S. voters (63%) say Barack Obama is more likely than John McCain to restrict an individual’s right to own a gun, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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October 31, 2008

45% Missed All of Obama’s 30-Minute Ad

Forty-five percent (45%) of U.S. voters say they did not watch any of Barack Obama’s 30-minute television advertisement Wednesday night, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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October 30, 2008

Just 34% Like One-Party Rule in Washington

As Election Day 2008 approaches with the prospect of a Democrat in the White House and Democratic control of the Congress, only one-third (34%) of U.S. voters think rule by one political party is better for the country.

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October 29, 2008

McCain Trusted More on Taxes and Economy

After several weeks of John McCain’s campaign attacks on Barack Obama’s tax plan and idea of “spreading the wealth around”, the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds voters trust McCain more than Obama on taxes, 47% to 45%.

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October 29, 2008

40% Say Hollywood Endorsements Turn Them Off

Now even Opie and the Fonz are for Barack Obama.

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October 25, 2008

New Rasmussen Reports Partisan Weighting Targets: 40.0% Democrat 32.8% Republican

Like all polling firms, Rasmussen Reports weights its data to reflect the population at large. Among other targets, Rasmussen Reports weights data by political party affiliation using a dynamic weighting process.

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October 25, 2008

50% of Voters Believe Ayers Issue Has Hurt McCain Campaign

Just 28% of voters believe that John McCain’s campaign has been helped by talking about the relationship between Barack Obama and William Ayers.

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October 25, 2008

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending October 25, 2008

With 10 days until the election, things are looking good for Barack Obama in most of the nation.

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October 23, 2008

26% Angry About Immigration, The Issue Candidates Ignore

It’s the issue both presidential candidates have largely ignored as they court the nation’s growing Hispanic population, but one-out-of-four U.S. voters (26%) is still angry about the current immigration situation.

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October 23, 2008

38% Fear Crisis Early in Obama’s Presidency

Thirty-eight percent (38%) of U.S. voters are very concerned that Barack Obama will be tested with an international crisis in his first six months as president, as his running mate Joseph Biden has predicted.

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October 21, 2008

53% Say Candidates Should Name Cabinet Before Election

John Kerry the next secretary of State? Republican Senator Chuck Hagel at the Pentagon? Al Gore as Energy secretary? These names and others are in the air as media speculation runs wild on the bipartisan “star” Cabinet Barack Obama has in mind if elected president. But some of these names might cost Obama votes in the key states he needs on Election Day, so Cabinet announcements will come after the votes are cast.

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October 20, 2008

45% Say ACORN Trying to Register Illegal Voters

Forty-five percent (45%) of voters say the liberal activist group ACORN is trying to register voters illegally, but they’re divided over whether Barack Obama has ties to the group, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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October 19, 2008

Democrats Favor Spreading Wealth Around, GOP Disagrees

John McCain now says it's socialism, but Barack Obama insists, "When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

White letter R on blue background
October 18, 2008

New Rasmussen Reports Partisan Weighting Targets: 39.7% Democrat 33.0% Republican

Like all polling firms, Rasmussen Reports weights its data to reflect the population at large. Among other targets, Rasmussen Reports weights data by political party affiliation using a dynamic weighting process