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February 3, 2009

71% View Obama as Politically Liberal

Seventy-one percent (71%) of American voters now view President Obama as politically liberal, including 42% who say he is Very Liberal. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 23% see him as politically moderate and just 2% see him as somewhat or very conservative.

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February 2, 2009

11% Say U.S. Should Apologize To Iran

Just 11% of U.S. voters think America should apologize to Iran for “crimes” against the Islamic country – one of the prerequisites demanded by the Iranian president before he will agree to meet with President Barack Obama.

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January 31, 2009

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending January 30, 2009

For the time being at least, it looks like political labels don’t matter as much to Americans as they face an uncertain economic future.

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January 30, 2009

Majority See Reagan As Republicans’ Way Back To Power

Ronald Reagan isn’t just a Republican thing anymore.

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January 30, 2009

Majority Remain Confident in Obama’s Economic Moves

Ten days into his presidency as the details of his historic economic rescue plan become clearer, Barack Obama still enjoys the confidence of a majority of voters that he knows how to handle the struggling U.S. economy.

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January 29, 2009

Republicans Like GOP’s Conservative Direction, Democrats Don’t

One thing for sure: Republicans and Democrats don’t agree on the future direction of the Republican Party.

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January 27, 2009

Voters Give Mixed Reviews to Closing of Guantanamo Prison

U.S. voters are closely divided over whether the government should close the terrorist prison camp at Guantanamo Naval Base in Cuba.

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January 26, 2009

44% of Democrats Say Bush Team Guilty of War Crimes

Forty-four percent (44%) of Democratic voters believe President Bush and senior members of his administration are guilty of war crimes. Only 28% of the nation’s Democrats disagree.

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January 24, 2009

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending January 23, 2009

For the time being at least, it looks like political labels don’t matter as much to Americans as they face an uncertain economic future.

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January 23, 2009

59% Fear Too Much Government Spending Is Coming

Fifty-nine percent (59%) of U.S. voters worry that Congress and President Obama will increase government spending too much in the next year or two, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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January 23, 2009

49% Say Obama More Liberal Than They Are

Nearly half of U.S. voters (49%) say Barack Obama is politically more liberal than they are, as the new president begins to tackle the country’s economic problems with a massive spending-and-tax-cut bill.

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January 22, 2009

Hopes for Obama High in McCain Country

Tennessee and Texas were safely in John McCain’s column on Election Day, but over two months later views of the new Democratic president and his agenda are surprisingly high in the two reliably Republican states.

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January 21, 2009

Bush Gets Better Grades in Texas

At least in his home state of Texas, former President George W. Bush gets a little respect.

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January 21, 2009

45% Support Obama’s Economic Plan

Forty-five percent (45%) of U.S. voters favor the $825-billion economic recovery plan proposed by President Barack Obama, and nearly as many (40%) say it is Very Likely to become law in Obama’s first 100 days in office.

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January 21, 2009

41% Say Geithner Should Not Be Treasury Secretary

With Timothy Geithner’s Senate confirmation hearing scheduled to begin again today, voters are evenly divided over whether President Obama should scuttle his embattled choice for secretary of the Treasury.

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January 20, 2009

48% Say Obama’s Inauguration Signals New Era of Race Relations

On the day Barack Obama begins his presidency, nearly half of Americans (48%) believe his inauguration signals the start of a new era of race relations in the United States.

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January 20, 2009

Most Say Foreign Company Will Develop Alternative Fuel Car First

Fifty-seven percent (57%) of voters think a foreign company will produce a car that uses alternative fuel before an American company does so.

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January 20, 2009

Voters Like What They See In The New President

Today, it’s official: Barack Obama is the 44th president of the United States.

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January 20, 2009

77% Say Inauguration Should Begin With Prayer

Seventy-seven percent (77%) of U.S. voters say an opening prayer should be part of the presidential inauguration ceremony, despite an atheist’s legal effort to halt the historic practice.

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January 19, 2009

48% of California Voters Blame State Budget Crisis On Legislature

Nearly half of California voters (48%) blame state legislators for California’s current budget problems.