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July 31, 2009

48% Say Obama Is Very Liberal

Seventy-six percent (76%) of U.S. voters now think President Obama is at least somewhat liberal. Forty-eight percent (48%) say he is very liberal, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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July 31, 2009

The Public’s View of Health Care Debate

Over the past few months, Rasmussen Reports has conducted many surveys on the topic of health care reform. As July comes to an end and Congress prepares to take a break from Washington, the following reports highlight public attitudes on a variety of health care topics.

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July 31, 2009

50% Favor Cutting Mail Delivery Over Government Subsidies for Postal Service

Half of Americans (50%) would rather cut back the number of days mail is delivered than have the federal government subsidize the U.S. Postal Service to maintain its current level of service.

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July 31, 2009

58% Concerned About Fall Outbreak of Swine Flu

Fifty-eight percent (58%) of Americans are at least somewhat concerned that swine flu will become a more serious problem in the fall with the arrival of the traditional flu season. Twenty-four percent (24%) are very concerned, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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July 31, 2009

41% Like Obama's Handling of National Security

Forty-one percent (41%) of U.S. voters now rate President Obama’s job performance in the area of national security as good or excellent, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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July 30, 2009

41% For, 37% Against Sotomayor’s Confirmation to Supreme Court

The Senate next week is expected to confirm the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court, but voters remain closely divided over whether that’s a good idea.

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July 30, 2009

30% Give Obama Good Marks for Handling of Gates Incident

In an effort to defuse a national controversy, President Obama is hosting a black Harvard professor and the policeman who arrested him at the White House today, but just 30% of U.S. voters give the president good or excellent marks for his handling of the situation over the past week.

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July 29, 2009

52% Like Bernanke’s Public Outreach, but Fed Chairman’s Favorables Are Down

Ben Bernanke’s unprecedented appearance at a town hall forum this week is part of the Federal Reserve Board chairman’s increasing public outreach, and 52% of Americans think it’s good for the economy for Bernanke to be speaking out more.

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July 28, 2009

Just 23% Believe Health Care Costs Will Go Down if Reform Passes Congress

Americans are fairly evenly divided on the health care reform proposals working their way through Congress, but most remain convinced that the plans will raise costs and hurt the quality of the care they receive.

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July 27, 2009

Arizona Voters Give Legislature, Governor Poor Marks on Budget Crisis

Arizona voters aren’t thrilled with their lawmakers’ handling of the state’s budget crisis.

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July 27, 2009

Most Arizona Voters Put Immigration Over Health Care as More Important Reform Goal

Fifty-one percent (51%) of Arizona voters say it is more important for Congress to pass immigration reform than health care reform. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state shows that 45% hold the opposite view and think health care reform is more important.

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July 26, 2009

26% Say Obama Response Good or Excellent on Cambridge Cop Question

Twenty-six percent (26%) of voters nationwide say President Obama did a good or excellent job answering a press conference question about an incident involving a white Cambridge, Massachusetts policeman and a black Harvard professor.

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July 25, 2009

54% Still Blame Bush for Nation’s Economic Woes

Most Americans—54%--still blame President George W. Bush for the nation’s economic woes. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 39% say the policies of President Barack Obama are to blame.

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July 25, 2009

What They Told Us: Week Ending July 24, 2009

President Obama’s key policy initiative – a massive overhaul of health care in America – appears stalled in Congress, and the likelihood of both the House and Senate approving it this month as hoped is virtually nil.

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July 24, 2009

California Senate: Boxer 45%, Fiorina 41%

Democratic incumbent Barbara Boxer leads former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina in an early look at California’s 2010 race for the U.S. Senate.

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July 24, 2009

47% in California Favor Legalizing, Taxing Marijuana

As California looks for solutions to its ongoing budget problems, 47% of voters in the state say marijuana should be legalized and taxed.

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July 24, 2009

31% Say Biden Will Be Obama’s Running Mate in 2012, 31% Disagree

Vice President Joe Biden has been plagued with gaffes since taking office, and voters are now evenly divided over whether he will be President Obama’s running mate again in 2012.

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July 24, 2009

40% Say Obama Has Too Many Press Conferences, 47% Say Number Is Right

Forty percent (40%) of U.S. voters say President Obama – just six months into his presidency – has held too many televised press conferences. But 47% say the president has had about the right number of them.

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July 23, 2009

64% of California Voters Say Illegal Immigrants Are Major Strain on State Budget

Nearly two-out-of-three California voters (64%) say illegal immigrants put a significant strain on the state budget as lawmakers struggle to close a $26 billion deficit.

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July 23, 2009

55% of California Voters Oppose State Budget Deal

Fifty-five percent (55%) of California voters oppose the budget deal worked out by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and state legislators from both parties.