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April 1, 2010

49% Think New Student Loan Plan Is A Bad Idea, 35% Like It

President Obama this week signed into law a plan that gets the federal government more directly involved in the student loan market, but just 35% of Americans think that’s a good idea. Most don’t think it will save the billions of dollars the president says it will, either.

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April 1, 2010

Arkansas Senate: Republicans Build Leads Over Lincoln

Four of Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln’s Republican opponents now earn more than 50% of the vote as her path to reelection grows even steeper. The numbers are closer when Lieutenant Governor Bill Halter is the Democrat in the race, but only because there are more undecided voters.

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April 1, 2010

Obama Approval Index Month-by-Month: March 2010

When tracking President Obama’s job approval on a daily basis, people sometimes get so caught up in the day-to-day fluctuations that they miss the bigger picture. To look at the longer-term trends, Rasmussen Reports compiles the numbers on a full-month basis, and the results can be seen in the graphics below.

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April 1, 2010

Ohio Governor: Kasich 46% Strickland 45%

Democratic Governor Ted Strickland and Republican challenger John Kasich are now in a virtual tie in Ohio’s gubernatorial race.

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March 31, 2010

31% Trust Russia to Honor Nuclear Arms Agreement

U.S. voters are feeling a little more neighborly these days with America’s old Cold War rival.

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March 31, 2010

Idaho Senate: Crapo Starting Strong in Reelection Bid

Republican Senator Mike Crapo of Idaho appears to be safely on his way to reelection so far.

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March 31, 2010

New York Governor: Cuomo Still Posts Big Leads

Any way you cut it at this point, state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is comfortably ahead of his rivals in the race for governor of New York, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Empire State voters.

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March 31, 2010

Idaho Governor: GOP’s Otter 60%, Allred 28%

Idaho Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter enjoys a comfortable head start in his bid for a second term.

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March 30, 2010

South Dakota Governor: GOP’s Daugaard 49%, Heidepriem 32%

Republican Lieutenant Governor Dennis Daugaard now holds a 17-point lead over likely Democratic nominee Scott Heidepriem in South Dakota’s race for governor. But the Democrat maintains modest leads over two other GOP hopefuls.

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March 30, 2010

53% Undecided in Michigan’s Democratic Gubernatorial Race

The undecideds are ahead in Michigan’s Democratic gubernatorial primary contest.

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March 30, 2010

Michigan Republican Primary for Governor: Hoekstra Barely Ahead, With 32% Undecided

Congressman Peter Hoektsra has a slight lead over his Republican rivals in the party’s wide-open primary race for governor of Michigan.

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March 29, 2010

Voters Have Mixed Feelings on Obama’s Leadership Skills

Many Democrats view the passage of the national health care plan as President Obama's greatest achievement yet in office, but voters for the first time are evenly divided in their assessments of the president's leadership.

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March 29, 2010

South Dakota House: Herseth Sandlin 44%, GOP’s Nelson 42%

South Dakota Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth Sandlin is now virtually tied with one Republican opponent but is still ahead of two others in her bid for reelection.

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March 29, 2010

Media Meter: Whitman Getting More Favorable Coverage than Brown in California

The Rasmussen Reports Media Meter shows that Republican candidate Meg Whitman is getting more favorable press coverage these days than former Democratic Governor Jerry Brown.

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March 29, 2010

53% Worry Opposition to Obama’s Policies Will Lead To Violence

Fifty-three percent (53%) of U.S. voters now are at least somewhat concerned that those opposed to President Obama’s policies will resort to violence, up 10 points from last September.

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March 29, 2010

Crist-Rubio Media Coverage Fairly Even

The Rasmussen Reports Media Meter shows that media coverage of the Republican gubernatorial primary race in Florida is fairly even.

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March 29, 2010

Texas Media Coverage Favors White Over Perry

The Rasmussen Reports Media Meter shows that media coverage in Texas is far more favorable for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bill White than for incumbent Republican Governor Rick Perry.

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March 29, 2010

One Week Later, 54% Favor Repeal of Health Care Bill

One week after the House of Representatives passed the health care plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats, 54% of the nation's likely voters still favor repealing the new law. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 42% oppose repeal.

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March 29, 2010

Rhode Island Governor: Chafee Still Leads

Former Senator Lincoln Chafee remains the leader in the race to be Rhode Island’s next governor, with State Treasurer Frank Caprio the strongest Democrat in the contest for now.

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March 28, 2010

Only 27% Say U.S. Will Remain Most Powerful Nation

Just 27% of U.S. voters now think the United States will still be the most powerful nation in the world at the end of the 21st century, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.