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May 5, 2010

Only 7% Say New York Politicians Less Corrupt Than Politicians In Other States

Just seven percent (7%) of New York voters view politicians in their state as less corrupt than those in other states, according to a new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey.

White letter R on blue background
May 5, 2010

Michigan Voters Rate Their Elected Officials

Michigan voters aren’t thrilled with their choices for governor. Two-thirds of Democratic Primary voters are either undecided or would prefer some other candidate in the race. Undecided leads among Republican Primary voters.

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May 5, 2010

Colorado Senate: GOP Hopefuls Still Hold Slight Edge

Support for the candidates in Colorado's U.S. Senate race largely remains in the same narrow range it's been in for months, with all three Republicans continuing to hold modest leads over their Democratic opponents.

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May 4, 2010

Missouri Senate: Blunt 50%, Carnahan 42%

Little has changed this month in Missouri’s race for U.S. Senate, but Republican Congressman Roy Blunt now earns 50% support for the first time against Democrat Robin Carnahan.

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May 4, 2010

42% in New York Oppose State Funding of Charter Schools, 38% Favor It

The New York State Senate is zeroing in on legislation that would more than double the amount of charter schools in the state. But a new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that Likely Voters in the state have mixed feelings about public funding of the privately managed schools.

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May 4, 2010

Florida Senate: Crist 38%, Rubio 34%, Meek 17%

The Florida Senate race appears to be a whole new ballgame with Republican Governor Charlie Crist’s decision to run as an independent.

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May 4, 2010

25% Have Favorable Opinion of Immigration Rights Protesters, 50% Unfavorable

Following weekend protests against the new Arizona law cracking down on illegal immigration, support for the Arizona policy remains unchanged.

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May 4, 2010

20% of Illinois Democrats Say Party Should Pick A New Candidate For Senate

Twenty percent (20%) of Illinois Democratic voters think the party should replace Senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias because of his ties to the failed Broadway Bank, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state.

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May 3, 2010

47% in Illinois Favor Allowing Local Police to Look for Illegal Immigrants

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of voters in Illinois finds that 47% favor giving local police the authority to stop and check the immigration status of persons they suspect of being in the country illegally.

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May 3, 2010

Iowa Governor: Branstad 53%, Culver 38%

With the Iowa Republican Primary just five weeks away, former GOP Governor Terry Branstad still attracts much more support than either of his party rivals in the race against current Democratic Governor Chet Culver.

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May 3, 2010

Iowa Senate: Grassley 53%, Conlin 40%

Republican Senator Charles Grassley continues to enjoy more than 50% support in match-ups with three potential Democratic challengers.

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May 3, 2010

38% in New York Approve of Governor Paterson's Job Performance

Thirty-eight percent (38%) of New York voters now approve of the job Democratic Governor David Paterson is doing, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state. Just nine percent (9%) Strongly Approve.

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May 3, 2010

55% Rate U.S. Health Care System Good or Excellent

Americans have felt little, if any, impact yet from the newly-passed plan to reform health care, and the majority of U.S. voters continue to give the current system positive ratings.

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May 3, 2010

52% View Health Care Bill As Bad for Country, 54% Favor Repeal

Most U.S. voters continue to believe the health care plan passed by Congress in late March will be bad for the country, and they favor its repeal.

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May 3, 2010

Kentucky Senate: Grayson, Paul Lose Ground But Still Ahead

Trey Grayson and Rand Paul both continue to earn more potential votes than either of their Democratic rivals in Kentucky’s race for the U.S. Senate, but both Republicans have dropped to their lowest levels of support since February.

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May 2, 2010

Obama Approval Index Month-by-Month - April 2010

When tracking President Obama’s job approval on a daily basis, people sometimes get so caught up in the day-to-day fluctuations that they miss the bigger picture. To look at the longer-term trends, Rasmussen Reports compiles the numbers on a full-month basis, and the results can be seen in the graphics below.

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May 1, 2010

Michigan Voters Like Ford Best, Say Chrysler Likeliest To Fail

Ford’s the favorite among the state’s Big Three automakers as far as Michigan voters are concerned, while Chrysler’s the one they think is most likely to bite the dust.

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May 1, 2010

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending April 30, 2010

Arizona’s unhappiness with the federal government’s continuing failure to secure the border with Mexico finally prompted the state to pass a bill authorizing local police to enforce federal immigration law.

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April 30, 2010

37% in Illinois Favor Using National Guard To Fight Crime in Chicago

Two Chicago lawmakers have urged Illinois Governor Pat Quinn to send in National Guard units to help fight the growing level of violence in the city.

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April 30, 2010

Delaware Senate: Castle 55% Coons 32%

The U.S. Senate race in Delaware is virtually unchanged over the past two months, with Republican Mike Castle continuing to draw strong support from the state’s voters.