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June 29, 2010

New York Governor: Cuomo Still Far Outpaces GOP Rivals

State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo continues to draw strong support from New York voters in the state’s gubernatorial contest - even though he's yet to officially declare his candidacy.

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June 28, 2010

Utah Governor: Herbert (R) 58%, Corroon (D) 31%

The governor’s race in Utah is virtually unchanged from April, with incumbent Republican Gary Herbert ahead of Democrat  Peter Corroon by a nearly two-to-one margin.

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June 28, 2010

Just 25% Share Favorable Opinion of BP

In recent weeks, BP has run a slew of television commercials boasting about its cleanup efforts in the Gulf of Mexico.  But a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows the ads aren’t helping the company's image. 

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June 28, 2010

Louisiana Voters Strongly Support Offshore Drilling, Deepwater Drilling

Even as oil washes up on their shores from the still-spewing oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, 79% of Louisiana voters believe offshore oil drilling should be allowed, and nearly as many support deepwater drilling.

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June 28, 2010

25% Favor Immediate Troop Withdrawal from Afghanistan, 28% Say Send More Troops

Following a shake-up of the U.S. military leadership in Afghanistan last week, President Obama on Sunday defended his war strategy and insisted that Americans would assist Afghanistan “for a long time to come." But the president still plans on starting the process of removing troops from Afghanistan by July 2011.

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June 28, 2010

Washington Senate: Murray 48%, Rossi 47%

Making it official hasn’t changed the numbers. Republican Dino Rossi is now formally challenging incumbent Democrat Patty Murray for the U.S. Senate in Washington, but the two candidates remain virtually tied as they have for months.

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June 28, 2010

52% Favor Repeal of Health Care Bill

Most voters still favor repeal of the national health care bill, but support for repeal has fallen to its lowest level since the bill passed in March. Voters remain skeptical, however, about the impact of the plan on the deficit and on the quality and cost of health care.

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June 28, 2010

South Carolina Governor: Haley (R) 52%, Sheheen (D) 40%

State Representative Nikki Haley is now officially the Republican nominee for governor of South Carolina, and with the formal kickoff of the general election race, she holds a double-digit lead over Democrat Vincent Sheheen.

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June 27, 2010

Just 32% View Holder, Napolitano Favorably

Next week is likely to be a big one for Attorney General Eric Holder and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano if the Obama administration moves ahead with its threatened legal challenge of Arizona’s popular new immigration law.

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June 26, 2010

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending June 26, 2010

After just dealing with an out-of-the-blue case of military insubordination, President Obama has another tough week ahead.

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June 26, 2010

Wyoming Governor: GOP Contenders Hold Commanding Leads

All four Republican hopefuls hold solid leads over the top two Democratic challengers in the race to be Wyoming’s next governor.

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June 25, 2010

28% Say Civilian Control of Military Bad for U.S.

Many of the Founding Fathers, including James Madison, the chief author of the U.S. Constitution, strongly advocated civilian control of the military to ensure a stable democracy.

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June 25, 2010

Utah Senate: Lee (R) 58% Granato (D) 28%

Following a Republican primary upset on Tuesday, Attorney Mike Lee holds a commanding lead over his Democratic opponent in the first look at Utah’s race for U.S. Senate.

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June 25, 2010

47% Support Obama’s Decision To Fire McChrystal, 36% Oppose

Forty-seven percent (47%) of U.S. voters agree that it was appropriate for President Obama to fire America’s top commander in Afghanistan this week, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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June 25, 2010

Nevada Governor: Sandoval (R) 55%, Reid (D) 33%

Republican Brian Sandoval continues to hold a lead of more than 20 points over Democrat Rory Reid in Nevada’s race for governor.

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June 25, 2010

Washington Senate: Murray (D) 47%, Rossi (R) 47%

Incumbent Democrat Patty Murray and Republican challenger Dino Rossi remain tied in Washington’s U.S. Senate race, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state.

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June 24, 2010

42% Still Don’t Like Rahm Emanuel, But 32% Do

Will he or won’t he – leave the Obama White House soon? That seems to be one of the biggest questions surrounding the president’s chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, these days.

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June 24, 2010

Vermont Senate: Leahy (D) 64%, Britton (R) 29%

Longtime Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy now earns nearly two-thirds of the vote in his race for reelection in Vermont.

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June 24, 2010

Voters Unsure About Key Cabinet Players

They’re key players in two of the federal government’s largest concerns – the Gulf oil leak and the new national health care plan, but a sizable number of U.S. voters don’t know who they are.

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June 24, 2010

69% in Texas Support Using U.S. Troops on Border

Sixty-nine percent (69%) of Likely Voters in Texas believe the military should be sent to the Mexican border to prevent illegal immigration, according to a new Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey.