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September 7, 2010

77% Say Mideast Peace Treaty Must Include Recognition of Israel’s Right to Exist

With Israeli-Palestinian peace talks on the front-burner again, voters continue to believe strongly that any agreement must include recognition by Palestinian leaders of Israel’s right to exist. But most voters think that recognition is unlikely.

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September 7, 2010

Delaware Senate: Castle (R) 48%, Coons (D) 37%

Support for Republican Congressman Mike Castle falls just short of 50% for the third month in a row, but he continues to hold a double-digit lead over Democrat Chris Coons in Delaware’s U.S. Senate race.

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September 7, 2010

California Senate: Fiorina (R) 48%, Boxer (D) 47%

Democratic incumbent Barbara Boxer and her Republican challenger Carly Fiorina remain in a dead heat in California’s race for the U.S. Senate.

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September 6, 2010

Nebraska Governor: Heineman (R) 61%, Meister (D) 28%

Republican Governor Dave Heineman still holds a better than two-to-one lead over Democratic challenger Mike Meister in his bid for reelection in Nebraska.

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September 6, 2010

56% Favor Repeal of Health Care Bill; 39% Say Repeal Is Likely

Most voters continue to favor repeal of the national health care law, but a plurality believes that repeal of the controversial measure is unlikely.

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September 5, 2010

Idaho Senate: Crapo (R) 63%, Sullivan (D) 24%

Republican Senator Mike Crapo continues to hold almost a four-to-one lead over Democrat Tom Sullivan in the race for Idaho’s senate seat.

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September 5, 2010

67% in Pennsylvania Say Members of Congress Don’t Care What Their Constituents Think

Voters in Pennsylvania are not very happy with Congress or the federal government.

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September 4, 2010

Nevada Governor: Sandoval (R) 58% Rory Reid (D) 33%

Republican Brian Sandoval earns his highest level of support yet against his Democratic challenger, Rory Reid, in the race to be Nevada's next governor.

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September 4, 2010

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls Ending September 3, 2010

Labor Day is upon us marking both the unofficial end of summer and the start of the fall campaign season. All indications are that the voters are prepared to do the same thing they did in 2006 and 2008, vote against the party in power.

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September 3, 2010

Idaho Governor: Otter (R) 52%, Allred (D) 36%

Incumbent Republican C.L. “Butch” Otter still leads the race for Idaho’s next governor.

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September 3, 2010

69% in Ohio Are Angry At Current Policies of Government

Sixty-nine percent (69%) of Likely Voters in Ohio are angry at the current policies of the federal government, according to a new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state.

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September 3, 2010

Voters Say Congress Should Ask Permission Before Changing Social Security, Raising Taxes

If Congress wants to change Social Security, 71% believe that any proposed changed should be submitted to a vote of the American people. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 21% disagree and 9% are not sure.

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September 3, 2010

Nevada Senate: Angle (R) 45% Reid (D) 45%

Democratic Senator Harry Reid and his Republican challenger Sharron Angle are still neck-and-neck in Nevada’s race for U.S. Senate.

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September 3, 2010

Massachusetts Governor: Patrick (D) 39% Baker (R) 34% Cahill (I) 18%

Massachusetts’ spirited gubernatorial contest remains largely unchanged this month, with incumbent Democratic Governor Deval Patrick holding onto a small lead.

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September 3, 2010

Massachusetts Governor: Patrick (D) 39% Baker (R) 34% Cahill (I) 18%

Massachusetts’ spirited gubernatorial contest remains largely unchanged this month, with incumbent Democratic Governor Deval Patrick holding onto a small lead.

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September 3, 2010

New York Senate: Gillibrand Still Running Strong Against GOP Opponents

Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand continues to hold double-digit leads over three potential Republican opponents in her reelection bid for U.S. Senate in New York.

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September 2, 2010

61% Support Offshore Oil Drilling, 53% Favor Deepwater Drilling

Voters nationwide continue to support offshore oil drilling and deepwater drilling like that which caused the oil leak in the Gulf.  Over recent weeks, voters have become less critical of President Obama’s response to the oil spill.

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September 2, 2010

82% in Pennsylvania Know Someone Out of Work

Most voters in Pennsylvania know someone who is unemployed and on the hunt for a new job, and a majority don’t think things are getting better any time soon. 

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September 2, 2010

49% in New Jersey Blame Education Commissioner For ‘Race to the Top’ Loss, 33% Blame Governor

While a plurality of New Jersey voters blame education commissioner Bret Schundler for the state’s loss of the $400 million Race to the Top grant last month, one out of three voters points the finger at Governor Chris Christie.

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September 2, 2010

Most Voters Believe that Democrats in Congress Want to Raise Taxes, Increase Government Spending

Heading into the final two months of the mid-term election campaign, most voters believe that Democrats in Congress want to raise taxes and spending while Republicans in Congress want to cut taxes and spending.