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Questions - LA January 2025

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Survey of 809 Los Angeles County Likely Voters
Conducted January 13-15, 2025 by Rasmussen Reports


1.     Do you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable impression of President Joe Biden?


26% Very favorable

31% Somewhat favorable

15% Somewhat unfavorable

24% Very unfavorable

  4% Not sure


2.     Do you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable impression of President Elect Donald Trump?


19% Very favorable

18% Somewhat favorable

  7% Somewhat unfavorable

53% Very unfavorable

  2% Not sure


3.     Do you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable impression of California Governor Gavin Newsom?


24% Very favorable

33% Somewhat favorable

14% Somewhat unfavorable

25% Very unfavorable

  4% Not sure


4.     Do you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable impression of Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass?


16% Very favorable

26% Somewhat favorable

21% Somewhat unfavorable

23% Very unfavorable

14% Not sure


5.     Who did you vote for in the 2024 Presidential Election? Vice President Kamala Harris or Former President Donald Trump?


60% Harris

30% Trump

  5% Someone else

  4% Didn't vote

  1% Not sure


6.     Who did you vote for in the 2022 California Gubernatorial election, Gavin Newsom or Brian Dahle?


56% Newsom

17% Dahle

  9% Someone else

12% Didn't vote

  5% Not sure


7.     Do you live inside the boundaries of the City of Los Angeles?


39% Yes

57% No

  4% Not sure


Answered by the 316 respondents who live in LA city limits:


8.     Who did you vote for in the 2022 election for Los Angeles mayor, Karen Bass or Tony Caruso?


46% Bass

26% Caruso

  6% Someone else

14% Didn't vote

  7% Not sure


9.     How would you rate the job that California Governor Gavin Newsom has done in responding to the wildfires in the Los Angeles area?


23% Excellent

31% Good

14% Fair

27% Poor

  4% Not sure


10.  How would you rate the job that Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass has done in responding to the wildfires in the Los Angeles area?


15% Excellent

21% Good

24% Fair

33% Poor

  7% Not sure


11.  How would you rate the job that Los Angeles public employees have done in responding to the wildfires in the Los Angeles area?


33% Excellent

36% Good

15% Fair

11% Poor

  5% Not sure


12.  How confident are you in California leaders and their ability to manage the wildfire crisis?


23% Very confident

34% Somewhat confident

21% Not very confident

20% Not at all confident

  2% Not sure

13.  Were you evacuated from your home because of the fires?


17% Yes

81% No

  2% Not sure


14.  Was your home or property damaged or destroyed?


 7% Damaged

 6% Destroyed
84% Fine

  4% Not sure


15.  Do you have fire insurance coverage on your home, or do you live in a rental? 


40% Yes

19% No

31% Live in rental

10% Not sure


16.  Should Los Angeles still be the host for the 2028 Olympics?


68% Yes

19% No

13% Not sure


17.  Will President Trump help or hinder California's recovery, or will he not make much difference?


29% Help

41% Hinder

20% Not make much difference

10% Not sure


18.   Would it be better if Rick Caruso had been elected Mayor of Lost Angeles instead of Karen Bass?

35% Yes

29% No

36% Not sure


19.  How likely are you to change your party affiliation based on how the LA wildfire has been handled?


11% Very likely

13% Somewhat likely

21% Not very likely

46% Not at all likely

  8% Not sure


20.  Which is closer to your opinion that the California wildfires should be mostly blamed on climate change, they should be blamed on other natural forces, or that the wildfires should be blamed on the failures of public officials?


40% Climate change

27% Other natural forces

24% Public officials

  9% Not sure


21.  How likely is it that arson contributed to the spread of the wildfires?


34% Very likely

43% Somewhat likely

11% Not very likely

  4% Not at all likely

  8% Not sure


22.  There were widespread reports of looting in evacuated areas of the city.  Which is closer to your opinion that this is to be expected, or that the policies of California have contributed to lawlessness?


51% To be expected

35% Policies contributed

13% Not sure


23.  Would you support or oppose the recall of Governor Gavin Newsom?


27% Strongly support

16% Somewhat support

15% Somewhat oppose

33% Strongly oppose

  9% Not sure


24.  Would you support or oppose the recall of Mayor Karen Bass?


25% Strongly support

18% Somewhat support

16% Somewhat oppose

27% Strongly oppose

14% Not sure


25.  Are you happy where you live, or do you plan to move?


61% Happy

25% Plan to move

14% Not sure

Answered by the 202 respondents who plan to move:


26.  Will you move somewhere else in California, or will you move out of state?


53% California

41% Somewhere else

  6% Not sure


Answered by the 202 respondents who plan to move:


27.  Why do you plan to move? The wildfires, crime, economic conditions, poor leadership, or something else?


21% Wildfires

14% Crime

28% Economy

  9% Leadership
  5% Homeless

  3% Culture

19% Something else

  0% Not sure


28.  Were you born in California, in another state, or another country?


67% California

27% Another state

  6% Another country