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Toplines - Heartland - CLIMATE - Battleground July 2024

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Survey of 5,605 Battleground State Likely Voters (AZ, NV, GA, PA, WI, MI)

Conducted July 5-12, 2024, By Rasmussen Reports and the Heartland Institute


1.    Would support or oppose a law that would reduce gasoline and energy prices by dramatically increasing oil and gas drilling in the United States?


44%    Strongly support

19%    Somewhat support

 12%   Somewhat oppose

 17%   Strongly oppose

  8%    Not sure


2.    Do you believe earth is experiencing a dangerous level of climate change?


  51%    Yes

  36%    No

   13%   Not sure


Answered by the 2,865 respondents who believe the earth is experiencing climate change:


3.    What do you believe is the primary driver of climate change, natural causes, humans, or both?


  8%    Natural causes

52%    Humans

 39%   Both

  1%    Not sure


4.    How much additional tax money would you be willing to spend each month to battle climate change?


48%    None

20%    $50

12%    $100

  3%    $500

  4%    More than $500

 14%   Not sure



NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence