Toplines - AT Nov 2024 Texas
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Survey of 1,002 Texas
Likely Voters
Conducted October 24-25, 2024, by Rasmussen Reports and American Thinker
2020 Vote
49% Trump
7% Other
2016 Vote
34% Clinton
49% Trump
17% Other
2016 and 2020 Vote
33% Clinton - Biden
44% Trump - Trump
4% Clinton - Trump
1% Trump - Biden
18% Not sure
When thinking about the elections for
President and US Senate, which of these is the most important to you?
5% Not sure
7% Violent crime
24% Border security
30% The economy
3% Climate change
13% Abortion
2% Global conflicts & war
4% Education
6% Government corruption
5% Other
Which issue is the most important one for the
next president to solve, abortion rights, illegal immigration, rising prices,
or protecting our democracy?
18% Abortion rights
36% Illegal
22% Rising prices
21% Protecting our
2% Not sure
Thinking of the presidential election, how do
you plan to vote this year?
36% In person on
Election Day
50% Early in-person
10% Vote by mail
1% Probably won't vote
3% Not sure
When do you plan to vote this year?
33% Already voted
25% This week
19% Next week / up to
Election Day
19% In person, on
Election Day
5% Not sure
If the elections for Congress were held today,
would you vote for the Democratic candidate or the Republican candidate?
42% Democrat
50% Republican
2% Other
6% Not sure
If the election for Senate were held today,
would you vote for Democrat Colin Allred or Republican Ted Cruz?
43% Colin Allred
47% Ted Cruz
3% Other
7% Not sure
10. If the 2024
Presidential election were held today, and the candidates were Vice President
Kamala Harris and Former President Donald Trump, who would you vote for?
44% Harris
50% Trump
1% Other
4% Not sure
11. Harris
34% Very favorable
16% Somewhat favorable
7% Somewhat unfavorable
40% Very unfavorable
3% Not sure
12. Trump
36% Very favorable
18% Somewhat favorable
7% Somewhat unfavorable
37% Very unfavorable
3% Not sure
13. Are you
better off than you were four years ago?
34% Yes
56% No
11% Not sure
14. Will
today’s children be better off than their parents?
25% Yes
50% No
26% Not sure
15. When
considering legal immigration into the United States, which is closer to your
thinking, that we need to increase immigration, decrease immigration,
temporarily cut it off, or keep it about the same?
12% Increase
34% Decrease
26% Temporarily cutoff
19% Keep about the
7% Not sure
16. How
accurate is it to describe the current situation with migrants at the border
with Mexico as an "invasion" of the United States?
43% Very accurate
18% Somewhat accurate
19% Not very accurate
12% Not at all
7% Not sure
17. Do
you support or oppose using the armed forces or national guard to stop the flow
of illegal immigration at the US southern border?
44% Strongly support
21% Somewhat support
13% Somewhat oppose
15% Strongly oppose
6% Not sure
18. Who is most
to blame for the millions of illegal immigrants that have come to the United
States? George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris,
somebody else, or none of them?
10% Obama
16% Trump
31% Biden
11% Harris
5% Somebody else
13% None of them
6% Not sure
19. How
important is it to prevent cheating in elections?
80% Very important
10% Somewhat important
4% Not very important
2% Not at all important
3% Not sure
20. How likely
is it that wider use of mail-in voting will lead to more cheating in elections?
42% Very likely
21% Somewhat likely
15% Not very likely
16% Not at all likely
6% Not sure
21. When it
comes to determining who won an election, which is closer to your
thinking? The votes should all be
counted on election day, or that it’s okay for election counts to take more
than a day?
58% Counted on
Election Day
36% Okay for more than
one day
6% Not sure
22. Would you
prefer to vote with a paper ballot, or with an electronic voting machine?
41% Paper ballot
50% Electronic voting
10% Not sure
23. Do
electronic voting machines make it easier or harder to cheat in elections?
45% Easier
28% Harder
27% Not sure
24. Should
every state require that ballots be available immediately after elections for
bipartisan voters reviews to enhance election
confidence and transparency?
66% Yes
15% No
18% Not sure
25. Generally
speaking, when it comes to abortion, are you pro choice or pro life?
45% Pro-choice
44% Pro-life
11% Not sure
26. Who do you
trust more on the issue of abortion, kamala Harris, or Donald Trump?
45% Harris
45% Trump
9% Not sure
27. Should
abortion be legal up to the first month of pregnancy, legal up to the third
month of pregnancy, legal up to the 6th moth of pregnancy, legal at any time,
or illegal?
23% 1 Mo.
30% 3 Mo.
9% 6 Mo.
13% Any time
17% Illegal
9% Not
28. Which
candidate for president is the most competent, Kamala Harris or Donald Trump?
44% Harris
47% Trump
5% Neither
3% Not sure
29. Which
candidate represents a greater threat to democracy, kamala Harris, or Donald
52% Harris
41% Trump
6% Not sure
30. Which cable
TV news channel would you be most likely to trust? CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, or Newsmax?
23% CNN
31% Fox News
12% Newsmax
16% None of them
5% Not sure
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage
points with a 95% level of confidence