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Election 2008

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January 31, 2008

New Jersey: Clinton 49% Obama 37%

A Rasmussen Reports telephone survey found Senator Hillary Clinton with a twelve-point lead over Senator Barack Obama in New Jersey’s Democratic Presidential Primary. Clinton earns the vote from 49% of Garden State voters while Obama attracts 37%.

White letter R on blue background
January 31, 2008

New Jersey: McCain 43% Romney 29%

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of New Jersey likely Republican primary voters found John McCain with a fourteen-point lead over Mitt Romney, with no other candidates coming close.

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January 31, 2008

Illinois: McCain 34% Romney 26%

In Illinois, as in many other Super Tuesday states, John McCain enjoys a modest lead over Mitt Romney. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds McCain earning 34% of the vote while Romney is eight points behind at 26%.

January 30, 2008

California: Clinton 43% Obama 40%

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in California shows Hillary Clinton with a very narrow three-percentage point lead over Barack Obama.

January 30, 2008

California: McCain 32% Romney 28%

A Rasmussen Reports telephone survey conducted Tuesday night found John McCain leading Mitt Romney by four percentage points—32% for McCain, 28% for Romney

January 30, 2008

Massachusetts: Clinton 43% Obama 37%

A Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of the Massachusetts Democratic Presidential Primary finds Hillary Clinton attracting 43% of the vote while Barack Obama earns 37%.

White letter R on blue background
January 30, 2008

McCain’s Circuitous Path to Nomination Leaves Him Better Off than Original Frontrunner Strategy

A week ago, Rasmussen Reports noted that if John McCain wins Florida, he may be close to unstoppable in the race for the Republican nomination. He did win … and he is close to unstoppable.

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January 30, 2008

It’s a Two Man Race for the GOP Nomination

A week ago, Rasmussen Reports noted that if John McCain wins Florida, he may be close to unstoppable in the race for the Republican nomination. Nothing has happened in the past week to alter that assessment, but McCain’s prospects in Florida remain far from certain. The Arizona Senator finds himself in a Sunshine State toss-up with former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.

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January 30, 2008

McCain Leads Obama by Six, Clinton by Eight

The latest Rasmussen Reports survey of Election 2008 shows Republican frontrunner Senator John McCain with single-digit leads over Democratic Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. McCain now leads Clinton 48% to 40%. He leads Barack Obama 47% to 41%.

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January 30, 2008

Connecticut: McCain 42% Romney 26%

A Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Connecticut’s Republican Presidential Primary finds John McCain with a sixteen-point lead over Mitt Romney in the Nutmeg State.

January 29, 2008

Connecticut: Clinton 40% Obama 40%

The first Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Connecticut’s Democratic Presidential Primary shows the race couldn’t possibly get any closer.

January 29, 2008

Florida: McCain 31% Romney 31%

For most of the past week, John McCain was slightly behind Mitt Romney in Florida’s Republican Presidential Primary.

January 29, 2008

Florida: McCain 31% Romney 31%

For most of the past week, John McCain was slightly behind Mitt Romney in Florida’s Republican Presidential Primary.

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January 29, 2008

Will Michael Bloomberg, Ron Paul Run Third Party Campaigns in 2008?

Twenty-six percent (26%) of American voters believe New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is at least somewhat likely to make a third-party or independent bid for the White House in 2008. That includes 5% who say he is Very Likely to do so.

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January 29, 2008

Passion Gap: Democrats More Committed to Candidates Than Republicans

Thirty-four percent (34%) of Americans say they are passionately and deeply committed to one of the Presidential candidates this year. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 47% of Democrats are that passionate, but only 28% have the same level of deep commitment to a candidate.

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January 28, 2008

Florida: Clinton 47% Obama 25%

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in Florida finds Senator Hillary Clinton leading Barack Obama by nineteen percentage points, 47% to 25%.

January 28, 2008

Strange to Say, But John McCain is the Republican Frontrunner

Strange as it may seem to many who wrote off John McCain last summer, the Arizona Senator is now the frontrunner the Republican Presidential nomination (a fact that sends chills down the spine of many conservative activists and pundits).

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January 28, 2008

Maybe Something Really Has Changed in the Race for the Democratic Nomination

Barack Obama’s landslide victory in South Carolina was expected. So were most of the details including the huge gap along racial lines.

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January 27, 2008

Florida: Clinton 44% Obama 25%

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in Florida finds Senator Hillary Clinton leading Barack Obama by nineteen percentage points, 44% to 25%. Earlier this week, Clinton held a twenty-five point advantage, 51% to 26%.

January 26, 2008

Obama Wins South Carolina

Barack Obama won South Carolina’s Democratic Presidential Primary by an overwhelming margin on Saturday.