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Election 2008

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April 10, 2008

Alaska: McCain 48% Obama 43%

It’s no surprise that John McCain leads Hillary Clinton by twenty-five percentage points in Alaska. After all, George W. Bush won the state by twenty-five points in Election 2004 and by thirty-one points four years earlier.

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April 10, 2008

Montana: McCain 48% Obama 43%

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in Montana shows John McCain leading Barack Obama 48% to 43%. However, he enjoys a much more comfortable lead over Hillary Clinton, 54% to 36%.

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April 10, 2008

New Mexico: Obama Leads McCain by Three, McCain Leads Clinton by Three

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of New Mexico voters shows Barack Obama attracting 45% of the vote while John McCain earns 42%. If Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee, it’s McCain 46% Clinton 43%.

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April 10, 2008

Ohio: McCain Retains Lead Over Both Democrats

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in Ohio shows John McCain leading Barack Obama 47% to 40%. He also leads Hillary Clinton 47% to 42%.

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April 10, 2008

New Mexico Senate: Udall Widens Lead Over GOP’s

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in New Mexico shows that Democratic Congressman Tom Udall has widened his lead over potential Republican opponents in the race for the state’s open U.S. Senate seat.

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April 10, 2008

Alaska: Stevens 46% Begich 45%

In a difficult year for Republicans, Alaska Senator Ted Stevens is providing GOP leaders with yet another headache.

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April 9, 2008

Alabama Senate: Sessions 57% Figures 36%

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in Alabama found Republican Senator Jeff Sessions leading Democrat Vivian Davis Figures by more than twenty percentage points.

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April 8, 2008

Pennsylvania: Clinton 48% Obama 43%

Following a month of declining poll numbers for Senator Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania, the race has stabilized for the moment.

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April 8, 2008

Tennessee Senate: Incumbent Alexander Enjoys Dominant Leads Over Democratics

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Tennessee voters found Republican incumbent Lamar Alexander well ahead of both potential Democratic opponents in the race for the United States senate.

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April 8, 2008

Maine Senate: Collins Enjoys Double-Digit Lead Over Allen

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in Maine found Republican Senator Susan Collins leading Democratic Congressman Tom Allen 54% to 38% in her bid for re-election.

April 7, 2008

Alabama: McCain Leads Obama and Clinton by Wide Margin

In Alabama, John McCain leads both of his potential Democratic challengers by wide margins. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey shows McCain leading Democratic frontrunner Barack Obama by eighteen percentage points, 55% to 37%.

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April 6, 2008

Iowa: Obama 46% McCain 42%

In Iowa, the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds Barack Obama leading John McCain 46% to 42%. However, McCain leads Hillary Clinton 51% to 36%.

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April 6, 2008

Tennessee: McCain Leads Both Democrats by Double Digits

John McCain enjoys a strong double digit lead over both Democratic Presidential hopefuls in the state of Tennessee. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state finds McCain leading Barack Obama 58% to 31%. The presumptive GOP nominee leads Hillary Clinton 52% to 38%.

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April 5, 2008

North Carolina: Obama 56% Clinton 33%

In North Carolina, Barack Obama has opened up a twenty-three percentage point lead over Hillary Clinton. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that Obama attracts 56% of the vote while Clinton earns 33%.

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April 4, 2008

Obama and Clinton both Lead McCain in Maine

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in Maine shows Barack Obama leading John McCain by ten percentage points, 49% to 39%. If Hillary Clinton becomes the Democratic nominee, she leads McCain by five, 47% to 42%.

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April 3, 2008

Most Voters See Clinton, Obama as Politically Liberal

Fifty-four percent (54%) of Likely Voters nationwide believe Barack Obama is politically liberal. Fifty-two percent (52%) say the same about Hillary Clinton.

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April 2, 2008

New Jersey Senate: Lautenberg Still Way Ahead in Garden State

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of New Jersey voters found Democrat Frank Lautenberg holding double-digit leads over two Republican opponents in the race for the United States Senate. Lautenberg leads Joe Pennacchio 54% to 36% and Murray Sabrin 54% to 35%.

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April 2, 2008

Washington Governor: Gregoire 47% Rossi 46%

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Washington voters found a virtual tie in the race for the state’s next governor. Democratic Incumbent Christine Gregoire holds a statistically insignificant lead over Republican Dino Rossi, 47% to 46%.

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April 2, 2008

43% Say Election 2008 Efforts Will Hurt Bill Clinton’s Reputation

Bill Clinton has campaigned aggressively on behalf of his wife during Election 2008. Forty-three percent (43%) of Americans believe that his behavior during the campaign will hurt his reputation in history.

April 1, 2008

Virginia Senate: Warner 55% Gilmore 39%

Democrat Mark Warner still has a comfortable lead over Republican Jim Gilmore in the race for Virginia’s seat in the U.S. Senate. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Virginia voters found Warner up 55% to 39%