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2008 Governor Elections

Most Recent Releases

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April 2, 2008

Washington Governor: Gregoire 47% Rossi 46%

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Washington voters found a virtual tie in the race for the state’s next governor. Democratic Incumbent Christine Gregoire holds a statistically insignificant lead over Republican Dino Rossi, 47% to 46%.

March 27, 2008

Missouri Governor: Nixon Leads Both Republican Challengers

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Missouri voters found Democratic Attorney General Jay Nixon continuing to lead two Republican candidates in the race for the state’s next governor.

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March 24, 2008

North Carolina Governor: McCrory Still Close Behind Democrats

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of North Carolina voters found Republican Pat McCrory narrowly trails two Democratic candidates in the race for Governor

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March 5, 2008

Washington Governor: Rossi 47% Gregoire 46%

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Washington voters found Governor Christine Gregoire locked in a tight re-election campaign with Republican Dino Rossi.

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February 13, 2008

Missouri Governor: Nixon Leads Republican Challengers

Attorney General Jay Nixon leads two Republican challengers by double-digit margins in his bid to become the next Governor of Missouri.The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of the state finds Nixon leading state Treasurer Sarah Steelman 46% to 35%.

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February 1, 2008

North Carolina Governor: Moore 39% McCrory 34%, Perdue 42% McCrory 38%

In the race for the North Carolina Governor, the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey found Republican Mayor Pat McCrory falling behind Democrats Richard Moore and Beverly Perdue in head to head match-ups.

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November 12, 2007

Tennessee Governor: Frist, Favored for Governor's Mansion, Leads Ford 54% to 38%

While it's a bit early to call the winner in Tennessee's 2010 gubernatorial contest, a new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that former Senator Majority Leader Bill Frist (R) has a leg up with voters should he throw his hat in the ring.

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October 16, 2007

Missouri Governor: Blunt (R) 44% Nixon (D) 43%

Missouri Governor Matt Blunt (R) is facing a tough re-election battle in 2008 and the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey show that it could go either way.

August 28, 2007

Missouri Governor: Nixon (D) 46% Blunt (R) 43%

Attorney General Jay Nixon (D) has a three-point edge over Missouri Governor Matt Blunt (R) in an early look at the 2008 Governor’s race.