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August 10, 2023

Ohio’s Issue 1 Smackdown By Kyle Kondik and J. Miles Coleman

The left scores another win in an abortion rights proxy fight; apparent turnout and persuasion edge drives Democratic success.


— The pro-abortion rights/Democratic side won yet another fight related to abortion rights on Tuesday night, this time in red-trending Ohio.

— Turnout was robust and likely advantaged the Democratic side. Voter participation was relatively poor across Appalachia, a once-competitive area that has become extremely Republican in recent years.

— Issue 1 seemed particularly unpopular in some usually red suburban counties, although we have to remember that ballot issues and partisan races are different and that Republicans are still in a strong position in Ohio.

August 9, 2023

The Fake Climate Consensus By John Stossel

We are told climate change is a crisis, and that there is an "overwhelming scientific consensus."

August 8, 2023

The Biden Pardon That Can Spare America By Daniel McCarthy

President Joe Biden has a chance to do the right thing for all Americans -- a brave and unpopular thing that will spare the country excruciating pain next year.

August 8, 2023

New Banking Regulations Could Sink the Economy By Stephen Moore

Banking is just about the most regulated industry in America.

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August 3, 2023

How the Other Half Votes: The United States, Part One By Kyle Kondik

Just 151 out of 3,100+ counties cast half the national vote; gap between top and bottom half expanding.


— Just about 150 of the nation’s more than 3,100 counties cast half of the nation’s presidential vote in 2020.

— As we typically see at the state level, the more vote-rich counties are more Democratic, while the thousands of smaller counties that make up the bottom half are more Republican.

— This political gulf has widened. Despite similar overall national presidential margins in 2012 and 2020, the difference between the top and bottom halves expanded about 10 points from 2012 to 2020.

— Joe Biden won 126 of the 151 top half counties, while Donald Trump won 2,548 of the remaining 2,960 counties in the bottom half.

— Trump’s wins among the top half counties were concentrated among the smaller pieces of that group — Biden won all but one of the nearly 50 counties that cast 500,000 votes or more.

August 2, 2023

Freedom in Colorado By John Stossel

There is actually a Democratic governor who cares about economic freedom!

August 1, 2023

Warren Harding's Real Scandal Was His Conservatism By Daniel McCarthy

Mark Twain said history doesn't repeat but it rhymes. The life of Warren G. Harding rhymes with the presidential politics of our time.

August 1, 2023

Will the Biden Administration Ban Cigars? By Stephen Moore

What is it with the Left that they want to ban nearly everything that is fun or convenient? Gas stoves, dishwashers, plastic straws, gas cars, snowmobiles and diving boards. And now the health busybodies want to ban certain cigars.

July 28, 2023

The Proximal Origin of a Scientific Fraud By Michael Barone

"We do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible."

July 28, 2023

Is the GOP a Serious Political Party? By Brian Joondeph

The GOP, as a political organization, stands for “grand old party.” Does it live up to its name? Or should it be renamed, “gladly out of power”?

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July 27, 2023

Notes on the State of Politics By Kyle Kondik and J. Miles Coleman

Trump’s beer and wine combo helps him maintain a big primary lead; Alabama’s redistricting machinations.

July 26, 2023

Free to Try Stuff By John Stossel

Politicians have big plans for us.

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July 26, 2023

The Dwindling Crossover Governorships By Kyle Kondik and J. Miles Coleman

Sununu’s retirement, other factors could reduce the number of split presidential/gubernatorial results.


— Despite an increasing correlation between presidential and down-ballot results, there are still nine governors who govern states that their party did not win for president. That means there is a higher percentage of crossover governors than crossover members of the Senate and House.

— Still, the number of crossover governors was higher in the recent past.

— While there are lots of moving pieces, including what happens in the 2024 presidential election, we could see even more of a decline in the number of crossover governors in this cycle’s gubernatorial elections.

July 25, 2023

Demography Destiny, for Us and China By Daniel McCarthy

Americans have a habit of thinking about China in this light.

July 21, 2023

The Press's War Against Free Speech By Micahel Barone

Have we gotten to the point that it's politically necessary to defend the principle of free speech? Apparently so.

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July 20, 2023

Where People Voted in 2022 — and Where They Didn’t By Rhodes Cook

The vast differences in congressional district turnout.


— Despite a requirement that congressional districts have roughly identical populations within states, the number of raw votes cast in each district can vary widely, both within a state and across the country.

— In 2022, there was a nearly 300,000-vote difference between the lowest-turnout district (NY-15 in New York City) and the highest-turnout one (MI-1 in northern Michigan).

— Republicans won about two-thirds of the districts that cast the most votes (300,000 or more) while Democrats won about two-thirds of the districts that cast the fewest (less than 200,000).

July 19, 2023

Smears for Money By John Stossel

   The Southern Poverty Law Center just released a report claiming there are 1,225 hate and anti-government groups in America. These groups cause "fear and pain (in) Black, brown, and LGBTQ communities."

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July 18, 2023

The Frontrunner Who Looks Like a Loser Is Biden By Daniel McCarthy

Are Democrats forfeiting the 2024 election?

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July 18, 2023

Democrats Are Throwing Kids Off the School Bus By Stephen Moore

Have you heard the outrageous story of what happened recently in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania's capital? Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-Pa.), elected in 2022, had campaigned on school choice for tens of thousands of children, mostly minorities, who are forced to attend failing public schools in places like Philadelphia.