Scaremongers By John Stossel
Have you heard about the "bee-pocalypse?" My new video explains.
Have you heard about the "bee-pocalypse?" My new video explains.
"Palestine will be free!" chant the protesters. "From the river to the sea.
Presidential candidate Donald Trump promised to "drain the swamp!"
President Joe Biden says, "I know how to make government work!"
The Labor Department just imposed 300 pages of new regulations to reclassify many individual contractors as payroll employees.
Leaders of both parties agree: We must reduce globalization.
What if you come home and find strangers living in your house?
Four years ago, government officials told us, "Stay home!" We have "15 days to slow the spread."
"We're building a clean energy future," says President Joe Biden.
On CNN, a "reporter" interviewing Vice President Kamala Harris gushes, "I'm struck, just in your presence! Looking you in the eye, with your passion ... "
The media warn, "Artificial intelligence will replace millions of jobs."
Argentina actually elected a libertarian president.
The New York Times put Charles Murray on the cover of its Sunday Magazine, calling him "The Most Dangerous Conservative."
Before anyone was "canceled" for saying a "wrong" thing, actress Emily Blunt and I feared speaking.
Sen. John Kennedy is upset because Sen. Rand Paul wants to limit federal flood insurance.