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Questions - Newtown - December 7-8, 2013

A Year After Newtown, Just 31% Think More Gun Control Likely
54% Think More Focus on Mental Health Issues Will Prevent Future Newtown Incidents
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National Survey of 1,000 Adults
Conducted December 7-8, 2013
By Rasmussen Reports

1* How closely have you followed recent news stories about last year’s shootings at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut?

2* Does the United States need stricter gun control laws?

3* Does the United States need to take more action to identify and treat mental health issues?

4* Does the United States need to place limits on violent movies and video games?

5* Can schools ever be made completely safe against violence like the incident in Connecticut?

6* What will do the most to reduce the number of mass murders like the school shootings in Connecticut—stricter gun control laws, more action to treat mental health issues, or limits on violent movies and video games?

7* How likely is it that congress and the president will create tougher gun control laws?

8* Do you agree or disagree with a court's decision to release to the media recordings of the 911 calls from the Connecticut school shootings?

9* Do you own a gun?


NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence