Questions - Celebrity News - August 8-9, 2013
81% Think Americans Pay Too Much Attention to Celebrity News
15% Say Professional Athletes Are Good Role Models for Kids
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Platinum Page
National Survey of
1,000 Adults
Conducted August
8-9, 2013
By Rasmussen Reports
1* Do Americans
pay too much attention to celebrity news and not enough attention to news that
has real impact on their lives?
Does the media cover celebrities too much, too little or is the coverage about
Do celebrities get preferential treatment when they break the law?
Are professional athletes good role models for young children?
Who should get paid the most…celebrities, doctors, business leaders, professional
athletes, teachers, policemen, military personnel or the President of the
United States?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling
Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence