Questions - Internet Security - April 10-11, 2014
National Survey of
1,000 American Adults
Conducted April 10-11,
By Rasmussen Reports
1* How closely have you followed recent news reports about a major
Internet security problem?
2* How often do you go online and use the Internet? Rarely
or never, once a week or less, several times a week, or every day or nearly
every day
3* (answered by 825
Internet users) Do you bank online?
(answered by 825 Internet users) How
confident are you in the security of online banking and other financial
transactions on the Internet - very confident, somewhat confident, not very
confident or not at all confident?
(answered by 825 Internet users) How
comfortable are you using your credit card for online purchases - very
comfortable, somewhat comfortable, not very comfortable or not at all
6* (answered by 825 Internet users)Have you
ever had your credit card information stolen online?
7* (answered by 825 Internet users) Have you ever had to change any of your Internet
passwords because of security concerns?
8* Are you less likely
to use the Internet for business and other financial transactions because of
the recent security problem? Or will it have no impact
on your use of the Internet?
9* Does America’s increasing reliance on the Internet for business
and financial transactions make the economy more or less vulnerable to attack? Or is the level of risk about the same?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3
percentage points with a 95% level of confidence