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Most Recent Releases

May 5, 2021

Americans Are Less Optimistic About Job Market

More than half of Americans say they know someone who is looking for a job, and their views on the current job market are worse than they’ve been in several years.

March 26, 2021

Americans See Less Economic Opportunity

Confidence in the nation’s economic future has declined in the past two years, and fewer Americans now expect their own income to increase.

April 21, 2020

40% Say Immediate Family Member Out of Work Thanks to Coronavirus

Financial anxiety over the coronavirus has eased slightly, even as more Americans report a close family member out of work.

November 14, 2019

Americans Stay Positive About Jobs Picture

Americans see a better job market these days and tend to think it will stay that way. For Democrats more than others, though, more government hiring is the way to go.

July 10, 2019

Many Still Know Someone Out of Work, Someone Who’s Given Up

Perhaps surprisingly, with unemployment rates at historic lows, more Americans say they know people who can’t find jobs, although the number is still well below findings during the Obama years. Democrats are the most pessimistic about the job market in the near future.

May 10, 2019

Most Now See Economy As Fair to Those Who Work Hard

With the economy booming, Americans are much more confident that hard work pays off and are worrying a lot less about the level of government dependency in the country.

May 1, 2019

Most See Job Opportunity, More Pay in Current Economy

Most Americans remain confident about their ability to get a job and get ahead in the current economy. Most working adults expect a raise, too.

April 16, 2019

Most Favor Minimum Wage of $10.50 Or Higher

Americans remain convinced that the federal minimum wage is too low and needs to be raised. But they’re less sure that raising the minimum wage will boost the economy.

February 19, 2019

Democrats Say Best People Belong in Government Roles

The Green New Deal would undoubtedly lead to an expansion of the federal government. Democrats think the best thing for the United States is if the country’s best employees find government work, but Republicans aren’t so convinced.

November 8, 2018

39% Expect Bigger Income A Year From Now

Consumer confidence is on the rise, but Americans don’t think their income is following the same trajectory.

November 8, 2018

Americans Are Still Optimistic About Jobs, Economic Opportunity

With unemployment at record lows, Americans remain highly confident about the job market, and most still think just about anyone can get ahead in today's world.

October 10, 2018

Following Record Jobs Report, Fewer Than Ever Know Someone Unemployed

The latest jobs report released Friday shows unemployment at a 49-year low, and fewer Americans than ever now know someone out of work.

August 23, 2018

Do Americans Like The Idea of Raising Minimum Wage?

Earlier this week, North Carolina became one of at least four states to raise the hourly minimum wage of state workers to $15.

July 26, 2018

Americans Like the Idea of a 4-Day Work Week

Companies in several countries around the world have experimented with changing employees’ work schedules from five eight-hour days to four 10-hour shifts with the goal of increasing employee productivity and morale. Americans are receptive to the idea and see the potential for improved productivity in the workplace.

July 13, 2018

Is AI the Future for American Jobs?

Americans are leery that most human jobs will be replaced by artificial intelligence in the future.

June 21, 2018

Can Robots Replace Workers? Americans Think It's Likely

A report released in November found that as many as 800 million workers worldwide could be replaced by robots by 2030. That’s not shocking to most Americans, but they also don’t believe they are easily replaceable.

June 6, 2018

Americans Say Government Workers Have It Made

Despite President Trump’s recent executive orders making it easier to effectively discipline and fire bad federal employees, most Americans still think a government job is the gig to have.

June 1, 2018

Most Say It's Too Hard to Fire Government Workers

President Trump last week signed a series of executive orders that, among other things, makes it easier to fire unionized federal workers. That's something most Americans agree is too difficult to do.

May 31, 2018

Voters Want to See the Best People in Government Jobs

With confidence in the economy and the job market at record highs, support for putting the best people into government work is up, especially among young, Democratic voters. This comes as President Trump recently signed a series of executive orders that, among other things, will make it easier for employers to fire federal employees.

May 31, 2018

Americans Even More Optimistic About Economic Opportunity in U.S.

Following record levels of confidence in the job market, Americans are more optimistic than ever about the ability to get a job, work hard and succeed in America today.