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August 14, 2010

The Working Poor: 16% of All Workers

One-out-of-six working Americans (16%) consider themselves to be among the working poor.

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August 11, 2010

27% Looking For Job Outside Current Company

More than one in four employed adults (27%) now say they are looking for a job outside their current company.

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August 5, 2010

Americans Still Regard Congress As Least Respected Profession

With mid-term elections just months away, Americans continue to view being a member of Congress as the least favorable of nine professions.

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June 10, 2010

46% Say Government Workers Are Paid More Than Comparable Private Sector Workers

Many Americans believe government workers make more money than their counterparts in the private sector, and they don’t like the idea of the government hiring more workers.

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May 21, 2010

42% Say They Will Be Earning More Money A Year From Today


More working Americans now expect to be earning more money a year from today, while,at the same time, they believe the best opportunity for career advancement is to stay put. 

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May 6, 2010

28% Say They Could Do A Better Job Than Their Boss

Believe it or not, most employed Americans think their boss knows best. Unless he or she works for the government.

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May 5, 2010

Americans Still Think Government Workers Earn More, Have More Job Security

Americans remain convinced that government workers earn more and have more job security than those who work in the private sector.

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May 4, 2010

53% Favor Public Employee Unions

New Jersey and California are just two of the states that are wrestling with high numbers of well-compensated unionized public employees as they try to reduce growing budget deficits.

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April 30, 2010

66% See Tax Cuts As Better Way To Create Jobs Than More Government Spending

Most U.S. voters favor a new government program designed to create jobs but still think ultimately tax cuts and decisions by private business leaders will do more good in terms of job creation.

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March 12, 2010

56% Say Their Employer Typically Promotes From Within

Fifty-six percent (56%) of American workers say their employer typically looks to promote an existing employee for an open position before considering other candidates.

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March 10, 2010

34% Say U.S. Unemployment Rate Will Be Higher A Year From Now

Thirty-four percent (34%) of Americans expect the unemployment rate in the United States to be higher a year from today. That marks a five-point increase from December.

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February 2, 2010

34% Think They’ll Earn More A Year From Now

Thirty-four percent (34%) of working Americans expect to be earning more a year from today, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. This level of optimism has been unchanged for several months now.

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January 29, 2010

Just 29% of Workers Expect Next Job to Be Better

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 66% of Americans believe leaving their job will be their choice. That’s up a point since November and up five points from a year ago. Just 16% say their employer will decide when it’s time for them to go.

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January 27, 2010

59% Say Cut Taxes to Create Jobs, 14% Expect Congress to Listen

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 59% of voters nationwide believe cutting taxes is better than increasing government spending as a job-creation tool.

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December 15, 2009

59% Say Average Government Worker Earns More Than Average Taxpayer

Compared to the average government worker, most Americans think they work harder, have less job security and make less money.

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December 7, 2009

67% Expect Unemployment Will Be The Same or Higher A Year From Now

Despite President Obama’s highly-publicized jobs summit late last week and a slight drop in the national unemployment rate to 10%, Americans remain pessimistic about the jobs situation.

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November 19, 2009

Democrats & Unaffiliateds More Likely To Be Unemployed Than Republicans

Data from Rasmussen Reports national telephone surveys shows that 15.0% of Democrats in the workforce are currently unemployed and looking for a job. Among adults not affiliated with either major party, that number is 15.6% while just 9.9% of Republicans are in the same situation.

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November 17, 2009

26% Have Worked With Someone They Thought Capable Of Mass Violence

Twenty-six percent (26%) of employed adults say they have seriously thought that someone in their workplace was capable of mass violence, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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November 6, 2009

59% Favor Extension of Unemployment Benefits

Most Americans favor extending unemployment benefits for an additional 20 weeks.

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November 4, 2009

37% Expect To Be With Same Employer Over Five Years From Now

In the United States today, workers expect to change jobs on a regular basis. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just, 37% of working Americans expect to be working for the same employer in five years.