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White letter R on blue background
March 4, 2011

71% Believe Government Workers Get Better Pensions Than Those In Private Sector

Most voters believe those who work for the government get better retirement benefits than those who work for private companies and also think it’s unlikely their state can afford the benefits given to state workers.

White letter R on blue background
March 2, 2011

66% Believe Government Workers Have More Job Security than Private Sector Workers

Most Americans still believe government workers have more job security than those in the private sector.

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February 28, 2011

32% Expect Higher Unemployment a Year From Now, 27% Hold Opposite View

Americans are divided about whether the unemployment rate is going to head up or down over the coming year.

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January 28, 2011

Americans See Brighter Employment Picture

The overwhelming majority of Americans continue to know someone who is out of work and looking for a job, but the number who believe unemployment will be higher one year from now is at its lowest level in over a year. Confidence in the current job market also has reached a recent high.

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January 26, 2011

60% Trust Business Leaders More Than Government To Create Jobs

President Obama argued strongly in his State of the Union speech last night for a bipartisan effort to create jobs, but most Americans think the best thing government can do is get out of the way.

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January 11, 2011

Many Favor Cutting Pay, Benefits of State Employees

Americans are evenly divided on the idea of a sizable pay cut for all public employees to help reduce the large budget deficits that many states are facing.

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January 10, 2011

Support for Public Employee Unions Declines

With states across the country finding that benefits for public workers are becoming nearly impossible to fund in the current economic climate, support for public employee unions has fallen.

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December 10, 2010

Americans Are Still Gloomy About the U.S. Job Market

Americans remain just as pessimistic about the country's job market as they have been all year.

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December 4, 2010

27% Favor a Government-Managed Economy

More than one-out-of-four Americans (27%) think the government should manage the U.S. economy, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Nearly as many (24%) say it's better for the government to stay out of economic decisions altogether.

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December 3, 2010

Americans Question Whether Extended Unemployment Benefits Do More Harm Than Good

As Congress wrangles over whether to continue funding unemployment benefits for up to 99 weeks, Americans express skepticism about the need for benefits that last that long.

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November 7, 2010

Optimism About a Bigger Paycheck Is At a New High for the Year

A plurality of working Americans still expects to be earning more money from their job a year from today.

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November 5, 2010

Most Workers Say Current Company Offers Best Opportunity for Advancement

For the first time in over a year, a slight majority of working Americans say staying with their current company offers the best opportunity for advancement.

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November 4, 2010

Only 46% of Workers Plan To Use All Their Vacation Time This Year

So much for work-life balance.

Fewer than half of workers nationwide plan to use all of their vacation time this year, and a majority says they stay connected with work during the time-off they do take.

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November 3, 2010

43% Say Men, Women Earn Equal Pay, 42% Disagree

Male and female workers continue to disagree over whether they earn equal pay for equal work.

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October 29, 2010

Most Think Government Workers Get Higher Wages But Don't Work As Hard

Most Americans continue to think government workers have it better than those who work in the private sector.

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October 26, 2010

76% Know Someone Out of Work and Looking For a Job

Three-quarters (76%) of American adults know someone who is out of work and looking for a job, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. But that's a slight improvement from August when 81% knew someone in that situation.

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September 23, 2010

43% Say Free Market Is Best Anti-Poverty Program

Americans definitely prefer the free market to government regulation, but they’re less confident in an unbridled marketplace as a response to poverty.

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September 20, 2010

43% Say Government Programs Increase Poverty in America

A plurality of Americans (43%) believe that government programs increase poverty in America.

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September 10, 2010

61% Say Cutting Spending Will Create More Jobs Than Obama’s New $50 Billion Program

President Obama this week proposed a long-term federal jobs program with a $50 billion price tag, but 61% of U.S. voters say cutting government spending and deficits will do more to create jobs than the president's new program.

White letter R on blue background
August 15, 2010

14% Say Job Market Better Than Year Ago, 46% Say Worse

Eighty-one percent (81%) of American adults know someone who is out of work and looking for a job. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that the numbers vary little across demographic, partisan and income groups.