If it's in the News, it's in our Polls. Public opinion polling since 2003.


Most Recent Releases

April 9, 2024

Most Favor $10.50 Minimum Wage

A majority of Americans believe the minimum wage – currently $7.25 an hour – should be raised to at least $10.50, but are divided over whether a minimum wage increase would help the economy. 

March 20, 2024

Most Americans Still Say Robots Can’t Do Their Jobs

Controversies about artificial intelligence (AI) keep making headlines, but fewer than one-in-five Americans think their job could be done by a robot.

May 17, 2023

Most Americans Still See Economic Opportunities

Almost anyone can get a job, according to an overwhelming majority of Americans, who believe that hard work is still the best way for people to escape poverty.

August 11, 2022

More Workers Expect Higher Wages

Fewer than one-in-five workers think they could advance their careers by leaving their current jobs, and most expect a raise within a year.

August 5, 2022

Views on Job Market Turn Pessimistic Again

Negative opinions about the job market have increased since spring and, by a 12-point margin, more Americans expect unemployment to increase in the next year.

June 24, 2022

Only 14% Think a Robot Could Do Their Job

Even though a majority of Americans can imagine a future where most jobs are done by robots, few believe their own job could be one of those.

June 20, 2022

Just 29% Think Workforce Diversity Efforts Improve Race Relations

Most Americans support efforts to increase diversity in the workforce, but believe this is likely to lead to racial and gender quotas, and most don’t think diversity efforts are improving race relations.

June 8, 2022

Most Think Teens Won’t Have Trouble Finding Jobs This Summer

Americans continue to believe it’s good for young people to work during the summer, and most believe it won’t be hard for teens to find jobs.

June 2, 2022

Do Government Workers Really Need a Raise?

Congress is considering a huge pay increase for federal employees, but a plurality of Americans think government workers are already better off than employees in the private sector.

May 6, 2022

Americans Have Mixed Views About Job Market

Pessimism about the current employment situation has faded since last year, even as concerns for the future of the job market remain high.

April 22, 2022

More Pay? Most U.S. Workers Still Don’t Expect It

While most Americans remain confident about their ability to find a job and get ahead in the current economy, workers are less likely to expect a raise.

February 23, 2022

Most Americans Favor Raising Minimum Wage

More than four out of five Americans believe the minimum wage – currently $7.25 an hour – should be raised to at least $9.50, but fewer than half believe a minimum wage increase would help the economy. 

January 26, 2022

Most Workers Don’t Expect Wage Increases

American workers are now less optimistic they’ll get a raise soon, but most plan to hold on to the job they’ve got.

November 19, 2021

Americans Take More Negative View of Job Market

Public perception of the job market has shifted toward pessimism, and more Americans now expect the employment picture to get worse than better.

September 9, 2021

Most Americans Believe Government Employees Work Less

President Joe Biden has promised a pay increase for federal employees, but most Americans think government workers already have it made.

July 23, 2021

Views Toward Job Market Improving

As the economy recovers from more than a year of COVID-19 pandemic, Americans have become somewhat more optimistic about the job market in recent months.

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June 11, 2021

Americans Say Summer Jobs Important for Teens

Most Americans believe it’s important for young people to work during the summer, and don’t think it will be very difficult for teens to find jobs in the current economy.

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May 25, 2021

Only 27% Think High School Graduates Have Necessary Job Skills

As millions of high school seniors prepare to receive their diplomas, most Americans doubt this year’s graduates are ready to enter the workforce or to succeed in college.

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May 24, 2021

Americans See Tough Job Market for College Grads

In an economy still recovering from effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, most Americans believe this year’s class of college graduates face a tough job market, and many doubt graduates have the skills they need.

robot jobs
May 19, 2021

Jobs: Are Robots Taking Over?

A majority of Americans think it’s likely that robots and computers will do most jobs in the future, but fewer than one-in-seven believe their own job could be done by a robot.