Questions - Housing - September 15-16, 2011
48% See Home-Buying As Family’s Best Investment
New High: 37% Say Their Home Is Worth Less Than Remaining Mortgage Payments
New High: 40% Expect Their Home’s Value To Decrease Over Next Year
Platinum Page
National Survey of 753
Conducted September 15-16, 2011
By Rasmussen Reports
1* Looking ahead over the next year, is the value of
your home likely to go up, go down, or remain about the same?
What about over the next five years? Is the value of
your home likely to go up, go down, or remain about the same?
3* Is the value of
your home worth more than the amount you owe on your mortgage?
4* Over the last six
months, have you missed or been late on a mortgage payment?
5* Looking ahead, how likely are you to miss or be late
with a mortgage payment in the next six months?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling
Error, +/- 4 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence
Survey of 1,000 Adults
September 15-16, 2011
By Rasmussen Reports
If someone cannot afford to make increased mortgage payments, is it better for
the government to assist them in making their payments or should they sell
their homes and find a less expensive home?
2* Generally speaking, is this a good time for someone in
your area to be selling a house?
3* Is buying
a home the best investment most families can make?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3
percentage points with a 95% level of confidence