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Trump Rotations

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September 30, 2019

Most Say Trump’s Made It Harder for Illegal Immigrants, But Dems Aren’t Happy

Most voters agree it’s become harder for illegal immigrants to enter this country since President Trump took office, but Democrats are seemingly very unhappy with that.

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June 26, 2019

Trump Earns Higher Marks, Outscores Obama for Economy, National Security

Voters rank Donald Trump well ahead of Barack Obama in his handling of the economy at this point in their presidencies. Trump’s national security approval is at the high level his predecessor enjoyed just after the killing of 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden.

December 28, 2018

Voters Grow More Critical of Trump’s Economic, Foreign Policies

Perceptions of how President Trump is dealing with the economy and foreign policy have fallen slightly as his second year in office comes to a close.

October 29, 2018

Most Give Trump Positive Marks for Economy

Most voters now commend President Trump for his economic leadership but are less impressed by his performance when it comes to foreign affairs. That’s potentially good news for Republicans facing an election in which voters say Trump and the economy are the big issues

June 22, 2018

47% Give Trump Positive Marks on Foreign Policy

With the economy soaring, President Trump’s ratings on economic issues are on the rise. Voters are pretty happy with his foreign policy, too, following his generally well-received summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

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April 5, 2018

Trump Up on Immigration, Still Better Than Obama

President Trump recently announced his plan to send military troops to the Mexican border to help prevent illegal immigration until his border wall is built. Just over a year into his term, voters see Trump’s handling of immigration as a mixed bag, but that’s better than how they felt about Obama.

March 29, 2018

Most Think Trump Too Confrontational As a Leader

Republicans continue to like President Trump's kind of leadership, while Democrats and unaffiliated voters believe he’s too confrontational.

January 31, 2018

45% Give Trump Positive Marks on Economy

The unemployment rate is down and the stock market has hit record highs. So perhaps it’s no surprise that nearly half of voters give President Donald Trump positive marks for his handling of the economy. 

March 30, 2017

57% Say Trump Too Confrontational

Republicans give President Trump high marks for leadership so far. Democrats and unaffiliated voters don’t and think he’s too confrontational.